Sing Me a Lullaby


Sara's P.O.V.

Bam Margera was in my store. Again.

"So, that's two times $19.50, which would be...$29.00," I calculated.

"Why didn't you just use a register or a calculator?" Bam asked.

"Because, unlike most Americans, I enjoy thinking. My brain is a very exercised muscle, thank you very much," I replied.

"Oh. Well," he handed me $30, " you forgot the tax."

"Hmm, silly me. Oh wait, tax is gay, I don't charge it here," I informed him.

"I like you," he said bluntly.

"Um...thanks?" I replied in an almost question form.

"So, you think I could get some digits?" he nudged me.

"Depends. Do you want the jail cell digits you'll be getting if you try to make a move on me, or someone's phone number?" my quick wit rose into action.

"I was hoping for your phone number. I'd like to hang out sometime," he clarified.

I knew he wanted my phone number, but I love being a smartass.


"So, what is it?"

"What is what?"

"Your number?"

"I'm not gonna give you my social security number, retard."

"I meant your phone number!!!" he was getting frustrated.

I smirked, "What about my phone number?"

His nostrils flared, "What is the number at which I may reach you from?"

"Oooooh!!! You said may. I love it when people use correct manners and grammar," I squealed and then told him my number.

He repeated it back to make sure he could remember it and walked away with his purchases.

I love messing with people's minds. You could say I'm sort of a...Mindfreak. Only I don't levitate objects with my mind, as Criss Angel does. I enjoy a good brain teaser.
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So...I was bored and already played so much bass I'm positive my fingers are gonna start to bleed. And there was nothing else to do. I'm typnig so faST RIGHT NOW!!!! Whoops, hit Caps Lock XD