A Fairy's Tale

Chapter Nine: The Sighting

“Mary Anna Hoskins, you sure do have a knack for getting into trouble,” Julia said, after listening to Mary tell her of the frightening experience the night before, while the two walked over to Mary’s house on the long road from school.

“You mustn’t forget that I also have a knack for getting out of it,” Mary reminded her friend.

Julia giggled. It was true.

“What I don’t understand is why Sir Nigel decided to change his mind about letting me remain here in Taran with Uncle Alan,” Mary said, troubled.

“Maybe he had a change of heart,” Julia guessed, “You can be quite convincing when you’d like to be.”

“Maybe,” Mary agreed.

Because Julia and Mary decided to take the long road home from school that day, so Mary could share her story, they came upon Bowerman’s Brook. Mary’s eyes caught a glimpse of the precious shining stones at the bottom of the brook, twinkling in the sunlight. Before the two girls could pass over the bridge that led to Uncle Alan’s house, Mary handed Julia her schoolbook, and said, “Just a moment, Julia. I should like to take one of those sparkling stones home to give to Uncle Alan. He’s come down with a bit of a cold, and he might feel better if I brought him a little gift.”

Mary walked over to the edge of the brook, which lay slightly above the rushing water. Before Julia could warn her to be careful, Mary had reached to grab a stone, slid off of the brooks edge, and plopped into the shallow water. Julia shook her head and walked over to help Mary, whose stockings and skirt’s hem were now soaked, back up onto her feet. As the two girls were brushing themselves off, a tiny winged creature soared up into their faces, adorned in a tiny gown made of flower petals, and tilting its head as it flew in circles leaving rings of magical dust surrounding the two girls.

It then took off into the air, and flew up into the tree tops where it could be seen no more. Mary and Julia could hardly believe their eyes. They turned to each other with looks of incredulity.

“Did you see what I just saw?” Mary asked Julia.

Julia nodded her head, and smiled.

“I can’t believe it,” said Mary, realizing that her uncle hadn’t been filling her heads with silly stories, after all.

The two girls hugged one another, and jumped up and down with joy, letting out squeals of excitement. With that, they gathered their schoolbooks, said their goodbyes, and ran home in a blissful mood, knowing that they had a new secret which would only strengthen their friendship.
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© 2009 imagine27

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