If the slipper fits


That night as we all sat around the table I picked at my food for once shockingly not hungry. My mother and stepfather made disgusting cooing sounds and kept feeding each other from their Chinese take aways. I watched half fascinated and half repulsed as Yvonne, my mother, shoved a springroll into Kevin’s mouth who rolled his eyes and pretended to die from sheer joy at the taste.

I peeked at Tess who was unusually quiet. Wanting to see her smile I nudged her inconspicuously and as she lifted her sad large eyes to mine I tilted my head at the teenage mannerisms of our parents.
She giggled but managed to keep a straight face when Ella asked her to pass the soy sauce.


My step sister. The new bane in my existence. She was smiling becomingly at something her father said and when she laughed I expected to see a movie director step out from the shadows and announce applaud her for a job well done.
I scooped a few noodles into my mouth and ruminated on the thought of assassinating her.
I shook my head. No, the wooden floors would squeak under my weight and she’d know I was there in a heartbeat. Besides, I found myself drawn to her. You couldn’t help but notice something of beauty. I was a great admirer of it and if I turned my nose up at such a wondrous display as Ella I’d surely be denounced as a hypocrite.

I was the first to leave the table. On another night I would’ve tried to pretend to care about the cleaning up but there wasn’t much to it to throw away a few small cardboard boxes. I was sure Miss Perfect wouldn’t strain herself when she lifted them up.

Strangely moody I stomped into my sister’s room and plomped down on her bed. Her room was covered with posters and she’d nearly unpacked all her belongings. I sighed thinking of how much I still had to tackle in my own room. It lay like a race ahead of me.
When Tess came in she had to stoop to pass the low doorway, obviously built back in the day when people were midgets. Seeing me on her bed she closed the door making it clear she didn’t want anyone to poke their happy face in.
She came to sit next to me. I would admit we don’t get along so much; we’re very different and have strong opinions on various subjects that sometimes clash. But every now and then we liked to hang out together and just play sister to each other for a while. We’re both withdrawn which is a pity, otherwise we’d probably liven things up a bit.

I knew Tess didn't like Ella either, so there was no point in asking her the obvious. I pretended to be there only to borrow some lotion, knowing she didn't want me there.

Suddenly there was a timid knock at the door and Ella poked her head in. I suppressed a groan.

“Do you guys want hot chocolate? I’m making some.” She looked very cute in her blue snoopy pyjamas and a lock of golden hair escaped from her neat bouncy ponytail.

“No,” I snapped, jealously making me irritated.

I walked stonily past Ella standing in the doorway and succeeded in not slamming my door. Tess was more in control than me. I don’t know how she stood our new stepsister.

I hope school isn’t this bad, I thought falling asleep as soon as the duvet was pulled up to my chin.
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Chapter by Howl. I edited it. My apologies.

How will the first day at a new school unfold?

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