I Am Going to Break Down These Walls

The things his touch does to me.

"Can we talk." Alex and I both said at the same time and I nodded.

"Holly, I miss you." Alex said and I stared at him.

"I know, I miss you too." I said and looked away.

"Holls, look at me." he said grabbing my face.

"Alex, you hurt me so bad." I said and I felt a tear roll down my face.

"I was young, stupid, and horny." he said and I giggled.

"I missed your laugh." He said and I smiled.

"Our music did cross paths." He said and I nodded.

"And I am glad it did." He said and I felt my heart race.

"There is not a day, I did not think about you." He said and I smiled.

"Same here." I said smiling and he smiled.

"Congrats on Lisa." I said with a fake smilewhy does it hurt so bad

"Thanks." He mumbled and he wrapped his arms around me.

"So you look amazing." He said and I winked.

"Oh, I know." I said and I grabbed my phone.

"I got to go see Gabe." I said and I smiled.

"Call me." I said slipping my number in his hand.

"Oh, trust me, I will." He said smiling and I hugged him.

The things his touch still does to me

Pete's point of view

I looked at Holly as she walked away from Alex. She ran to her car and I knew one thing. I needed to talk to her. I went to Patrick's and he told me I should tell her how I feel. I drove as fast as I could and I walked into her house. Diane's tongue was down Taylor's throat and I didn't want to interrupt so I just waked down the door to Holly's room. When I walked in the room I saw Gabe on top of her, in just his boxers, with his hand down her underwear. She gasped and my first reaction was, beat the hell out of him. Before I knew it my fist collided with Gabe's face and Holly screamed before getting up and Gabe threw a punch at me, hitting me square in the eye. I lunged at him and punned him to the floor, my rage was building up. He hit me again repeatably amounts of times.

"I am leaving!" Holly said before sliding her clothes on, and grabbing her phone and keys.

"John, I am coming over, if that's ok." I heard her say and I got off of Gabe and we watched her walk out the door.

Alex's Point Of View

"Yo, you guys have to leave." John said to everyone in All Time Low and The Maine.

"Why?" We all asked and he smiled.

"Holly is coming over!" He said and I stared at him.

"We can all hang out!" Jack said trying to break the silence.

"Dude, they hang out, but it ends to sex, you don't want to be here!" Pat said with a disgusted look on his face and I looked at Jack.

We walked out of John's house and my heart felt something it never felt before. I didn't quite understand. The ride back to my house was silent and my mind was racing. It was just me and Jack and he looked pretty bummed too.

"Dude, we fucked up." He said as soon as we walked into the house.

"Oh, I know." I said slamming my head on the table.
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Comments would be nice. mibba was being gay, and the original chapter was longer. Sorry. O.o