Sequel: Cut and Run
Status: Finished. Sequel is Posted!

Running From Reality

My Eyes Are Open, I Can Finally See What’s In Front of Me

“Hey,” I said, answering my phone, a dullness to my voice. “I guess you haven’t figured out what’s up with your sister yet?” Aiden asked.

Sighing, I shook my head even though he couldn’t see me. “I don’t know, I really don’t know. I keep trying to figure out what’s been so terrible that she doesn’t want me to know, but I can’t figure it out. I haven’t a clue how to go about getting back into her life, either.”

“Well, I’d go back and talk to her, and include some insults, or a lot, about yourself. Because, yes, I love you, but she has reasons to be pissed at you. Go to her friends, and see if they’ll get her to talk to you.”

I knew Aiden was right, he normally was. “Okay, I’ll do that now. I love you.”

“Love you, too. Forever and always,” he replied. “Forever and always,” I repeated, before ending our call. Slowly I walked to Freddy and Alex’s house, and knocked softly on the door.

“Hey,” Freddy said, an expressionless look on her face. “Hey. Do you think you could get Andi to come over soon and talk to me? I know she hates me, and probably wants nothing to do with me, ever, but she’s my sister. The only one in the family who didn’t think I was terrible for being gay. I can’t let her go again. I missed her too much the first time,” I pleaded.
A sigh escaped from the girl’s lips.

“Come in; like usual, she’s here. Follow me.” She led me up the stairs, to a closed door on the right side of the hallway. Lightly, she knocked, and a male voice called, “Come in!”

Freddy motioned for me to stay in the hall, at least for now, and she walked into the room. From what I could see, both Andi and Alex were on the bed, and he was holding her close. It was hard to tell from where I was standing, but it looked as if she had been crying.

“Hun? Your brother, he wants to talk to you. And you know I think you should; he’s the only blood family you have.”

Wait, I said silently, confused. What does she mean byonly?

I brushed off the thought as I saw Andi shake her head, obviously not wanting to see me. It was clear Alex agreed with Andi and not his sister, because of the protect tone in his voice when he murmured a quiet “No.”

I stood in the hall for a few minutes while they conversed in hushed tones I couldn’t hear. Then, both Freddy and Alex left the room. Alex stood in front of me, his expression saying what he was thinking.

“If you hurt her,” he started, but I stopped him. “If I hurt her more than I have already, you won’t even need to. Trust me on that, if on nothing else.” We shared a look, and I could tell he knew I wasn’t lying.

Timidly, I walked into the room. “Hey, Andi—Andrea, sorry, it’s a habit. I know you hate me. And I don’t blame you, not in the least. But, I’ve lost you, in the past. And now, I want you to become a part of it again. I’ve wanted it for years, but I’ve been too afraid to come back here. Afraid our parents had brainwashed you to think the way they do. And, that’s the last thing I ever wanted. You’re the person that means the most to me in the world, even more than Aiden. And I hate myself for causing you pain.”

That’s when I noticed her ankle. The last time I had saw her it looked twisted. Now, I could see what was a clearly a broken ankle and a bruised set of legs. Her arms had cuts on them, and finger shaped bruises.

A gasp escaped me as I took in the marks on her bare arms and legs, and she avoided my eyes bitterly. It was then that the realization of what our parents had done to her hit me. And I felt as if it was my fault.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry for the long wait, I was uninspired, had too much homework, and wanted to work on Of All the Cliches whenever I was on the computer. Again, so sorry.

Title Credit goes to Down A Lifetime. I'm friends with them, as in, I actually know them. Mostly because they're a local band, an'd I'm related to the drummer....

Well, anyway, here's the link to their Myspace.

And here's a slideshow of the band (without their bass player, he's new) to their song Words Unspoken, which the title is from.

Click here, and you can find live acoustic performances.

Okay, so on the an important message!

I'm not sure if this story's gonna be continued. Liza told me her mom is psychoanalyzing all her stories and thinks not only should she not be allowed to keep writing on Mibba, but not even be allowed to write.

Which would really suck because we wanna do a sequel. Even if you're one of those silent readers, comment, saying how much and why you enjoy this story. If you read any other stories by her, do the same to them.

Personally, I love her stories. They adress issues that some teenagers are unlucky enough to go through.

And this is a good story. You guys wouldn't read it if it wasn't. Like we've mentioned, this thing is a work of fiction. There's nothing to analyze. We write about problems some people don't want to, and we're proud of it. Our characters do not portray ourselves, but have their own characteristics! So you know what?

I disagree with her mom. I mean no disrespect, but if that's how it comes across, I'm sorry. I'm merely telling my own opinion, and I'm not the type to lie to please somebody.

Please, if you read this, leave a comment (make it dramatic if you want) telling why. Help convince her mother not to take away Liza's right to be able to write on here.