School at night

School at Night.

Have you ever woken up from a dream and couldn’t remember what you dreamt of? Or on the contrary, wished you could forget?

As for me, I dream almost every night and in most of the cases, remember my dreams, though sometimes I forget them as time passes.

Mainly, the dreams I do remember have a lot to do with what happened to me that day, or are just simply disturbing.

To tell the truth, as a child my dreams dealt lot with tragic accidents and unpleasant experiences, which was very much disturbing. I used to share my dreams with my mother and she explained to me that they were completely natural, and that any child has nightmares every once and a while. My mother was right, and by the age of 11 I didn’t have any of these dreams.

Frankly, I don’t remember having any until one particular occasion. The memory is slightly vague but I remember being 13 or 14 and having a rather disturbing dream.

In my dream, I was standing in the middle of my school’s entrance hall, which led to a lot more corridors than it usually does. I could clearly tell that it was already past midnight, as the school was empty and illuminated by the moonlight only. I’m almost sure I could hear whispers in the background.

When I realized where I was, I became very scared as I was well aware of the fact that the building was locked and that there was no way out.

As I stood there, surrounded by the darkness, I soon began panicking and decided to call for help. I remember taking my cell phone out of my pocket and trying to dial my mother’s number. Unfortunately, there was no reception and I became even more afraid.

Later on, I decided to face my fears and walked down the long and gloomy hallway until I reached a square where the halls met, which faced a large window. As I looked out of the window, I could see the moon and for some strange reason, felt blinded by its frail light. The fact that the window was covered by grates made me feel even more trapped.

I then headed towards a nearby bathroom, which to my surprise was trashed and scattered. I then tried calling my mother once again, this time she picked up but the sound was faulty and I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

When I looked up, I saw the silhouette of a tall man with a pointed face who was wearing a long coat and a fedora hat. Even though I was frightened by his presence, I tried asking him for help but it seemed as if he couldn’t hear me. I’m not absolutely sure, but I think that he walked right through me.

At that moment, I woke up and felt quite uneasy, but not scared, as I used to feel as a child. I will always remember this dream because it was different from any other dream I’ve had though its concept wasn’t scary at all.
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Just something I wanted to share with you guys <3