Status: Completed


Part Ten

Brian slowly awoke to the sound of sniffing and pacing.

"Lauren?" He said slowly and sleepily "Are you okay?"

He watched as his nurse sat herself down on the chair next to the bed, her usual pale features red and blotchy.

"Are you crying?"


He pulled himself up into a sitting position. "I can see that you are," He said as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve "So, come on, what happened?"

Lauren looked up, into his trusting chocolate brown eyes. He had told her his worrys and troubles so why couldn't she do the same?

"You really wanna hear my crazy ramblings?"

He chuckled slightly "Course I do. You have to put up with enough of mine."

It took a few more minutes of silence before Lauren could bring herself to speak again.

"The reason I had so much time away from work was because a patient died in my care 8 months ago," She said slowly, ignoring the steady stream of tears cascading down her face.

"Do you wanna tell me about it?"

She nodded slowly, she hadn't spoke to anyone about the past 18 months - not even her mom or Skylar - but she knew she could confide in him.

"She was 9 years old and the most beautiful little girl in the world," Lauren started "Her name was Daisie-Mae and she's been in and out of hospital since she was 5 years old with cancer."

She paused, as she was sat on his right side Brian was able to reach with his good arm and hold her hand in his.

The warmth of his skin on hers gave her the courage to carry on with her story.

"I was assigned to be her nurse when she came in aged 7 and we hit it off straight away. I'd only been a nurse for 6 months - she knew more about the hospital than me."

"She sounds very special," Brian whispered "What happened?"

Lauren sniffed as the tears appeared once again "By the time she was 8 1/2 I was her full time nurse. If she was allowed home I went with her, I stayed with her 24/7 when she was having to go through the chemo. Then..." She took a deep breath "I had gone home for the night to shower and freshen up and y'know rest. Next thing I know Carla's on the phone to me, Daisie had come into contact with the flu virus from a passing visitor for another patient without us noticing. She...d-died."

"I'm so sorry Lauren," Brian said, unable to get his voice louder than a whisper.

"I got signed off for 8 months leave and now-" She sighed "Now I'm being asked questions all the time about how I'm doing my job. My dream of working as a nurse is becoming a nightmare Brian."