Status: Completed


Part Eight

"Lozzer?! There's a man on the phone for youuuuuu!"

Lauren rolled her eyes and clutched the towel around her body, preparing for her sister's enterance.

"It's some guy," She saidm covering the mouthpiece so 'he' couldnt hear her "I recognise the voice, but I cant place it."

"Hello?" Lauren asked once Skye was out of the bathroom.

"Is that Nurse Armstrong?"


"This is Zach, you rang to tell me about Brian?"

Even though he couldnt see her she wrapped the towel around her more securly "That was me."

"Sorry to ring you at home, the hospital gave me this number."

"No worries," Lauren smiled, wondering where this conversation was going "Are you okay Mr. Baker?"

"Would you be able to tell him our trip is being held up? Me and the guys are gutted but the record company are having some security issues and wont let us leave until it's sorted," Zach paused, this was obviously bothering him "Just...tell him we're sorry and we'll be there a.s.a.p."

"Will do Mr. Baker," Lauren answered, feeling a sinking sensation in her stomach. Brian was relying on his friends to speed up his memory's return "And dont worry about it, he'll understand."


"I'm sorry Brian."

The look of disapointment on his face was evident but he attempted to hide it "No worries!" He forced a smile "So, you said your sister was coming in today?"

Lauren smiled at his subject change "Yeh, She should be here any minute now," She replied, glancing at her watch "She has some presents for you apparently," As she said this her pager beeped "That'll be her, won't be long!"

He smiled and waved with his 'good' arm, watching her walk out.

"What's all this?!" Lauren exclaimed once a box with legs came into her eyeline.

"Brian's present!" Skylar grinned, dumping said box on the nurse station counter top.

"What's in there?!" Lauren asked in confusion.

Skye opened the top "Posters, mag interviews, CDs, DVDs..."

"Do you wanna come give them to him?"

Her younger sister's eyes shone "Do I ever!"