You've Already Got Me Coming Undone

First Date

A week passed by and he couldn’t get her out of his head. Martin rarely mentioned his cousin around Paul and now he saw why. She was gorgeous. Her voice made Martin’s seem like shit. Her eyes made the sky seem grey. Her smile made him weak.

I just wanna live. Don’t really care about the things that they say. Don’t really care about what happens to me.

He shoved his head under the pillow and stuck his hand out to reach for his phone.

“Hello?” he answered with sleep present in his voice.
“Wake up,” Martin demanded.
“Can’t you be nice to him?”

Paul shot up in bed.

“Thanks for ruining the surprise,” Martin groaned.
“I’ll pretend like it never happened,” Paul chuckled, running his fingers through his dark hair.
“Right,” Martin scoffed, “Well now that the cat’s out of the bag……”

Martin sighed, “Emily isn’t really good when it comes to talking to guys.”

Paul smiled to himself, “Go get her.”

“Here,” Martin said thrusting the phone towards her.

“Hey,” He answered back smoothly.

“What’s up?”
“How would you like to go out to lunch with me?”
“Depends,” She smiled, “Is it considered a date?”
“Only if you want it to be.”
“Then I guess you’re in luck,” She giggled.
“I’ll come get you in about an hour, okay?”
“Sounds good.”
“Bye,” She whispered and hung up the phone. As soon as she set it down a huge scream escaped her lungs.

“What the hell!?” Martin shouted walking back in the room to see what was wrong with her, “Emmy?”

“Excuse me,” She said regaining her composure, “I have a date to prepare for.”

“You know sometimes I worry about you,” he said shaking his head, “You’re almost twenty two and you still act like you’re in high school.”

“And that’s why we’re related,” She grinned before exiting out of the room.

“Woah,” Martin said standing over the counter with a bagel.
“What?” She asked confused.
“Don’t go off marrying my best friend now,” He joked.
“You’ve never seen me in my ‘rocker’ clothes?” She asked, complete with air quotes around rocker.
“No,” He shrugged, “You’ve always been dressed up or in your sweats whenever I see you.”

“Well not today!” She said and walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek, “Thanks for letting me stay here for a while.”

“No babies,” Martin muttered as she walked away.
“We’ll work on that!” She called back and shut the door behind her.


“You look nice,” He smiled. Truth was he thought she looked hot.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“Shall we?” He asked gesturing towards his car.
“We shall,” She said following him over there.
♠ ♠ ♠
i really want a hug from them all.
hopefully that dream will come true on friday.