You've Already Got Me Coming Undone

Let Go

"Wow,” She said speechless as he pulled up in a gravel parking lot. It wasn’t much, just a few swings and a slide with a jungle gym, but the view from the top of the hill that the park stood on was beautiful. You could see the city and the water in the distance. It was the perfect get away.

“No one comes up here anymore,” he shrugged, leaning against the hood of the car while she walked around the swings, “We used to come up here all the time after band practice and just hang out.”

“It’s really pretty out,” She said sitting down in the grass before lying back and looking up at the stars.

“Another point,” He said pushing himself off the car, “Great view of the stars.”

He sat down sat to her and just looked up. An awkward silence fell between them, and it sure wasn’t a comfortable one. He could tell there was something bothering her.

“Did I do something wrong?” He asked quickly blaming the whole situation on himself.

“No!” She paused, “It happened a while ago, really Paul it’s nothing to worry about.”

“It’s still on your mind though,” he pointed out.
“That I won’t doubt.”
“I’m not really given the credit I deserve, but I am a good listener and I’ll listen to you.”
“Are you really sure you want to hear it?” She winced.

“Yes,” he nodded, closing his eyes and leaning back on his hands.
“Alright,” She said drawing in a deep breath, “The reason why Martin’s so over protective and crazy about me is because the last relationship I had ended horribly wrong. Like everything that could possibly go wrong between two people did,” She sighed, “And he was there for it all.”

“The last boy I was with told me he loved me two weeks in to it and I thought I meant it, but I was so stupid not to notice the things he was doing. He was setting me up for a disaster. For the first month and a half he’d be with me and never leave my side.”

She tensed up and Paul took notice, but he kept his distance.

She hesitated, “Then one night…”

“If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to,” He said sliding his hand on top of hers.
“No,” She sighed, “It’s gotta be told some time.”

She started chocking on her words, “Then.. he.. he hit me.”

A tear slid down her cheek and on to the ground. Anger and rage quickly started flowing through Paul’s blood. How could anyone hurt such a beautiful girl?

“Martin doesn’t even know,” She said barely whispering.

As soon as she said that, the anger in his eyes dimmed and he pulled her into his chest. She grabbed a fist full of his shirt and cried. Soothingly he stroked her hair and tried his best to calm her.