
1. Gossip

Regan excitedly ran into Bendo's nearly ready to piss herself in excitement. Bendo's was the venue owned by her best friend, Katy's older brother, Cohen. Cohen was out for the day during daily errands, so Katy would be there setting everything up for the show that would be taking place later that night.

Overhead on the speakers The Used was playing. No doubt it was hooked up to Katy's ipod. Regan looked around for Katy, finally spotting her behind the bar cleaning some cups. Regan grabbed ahold of her bag tightly to keep it from falling off her shoulder as she ran towards Katy.

Katy looked up at the sight of her with a some what frightened look. No one should have on a smile that big in the middle of the day. Katy watched her best friend jump up and down as if she had to pee.

"You do know the bathrooms are that way, right?" Katy asked, pointing to the left as she watched Regan's antics nervously. She had just cleaned the floors and the last thing she needed was Regan pissing herself.

"I don't have to pee." Regan said. "Guess what!" Katy looked at her oddly, but before she could begin to even think of what to guess about, Regan interrupted her. "The boys are back!" She put her hands over her mouth as if she had just let out the biggest secret of all time, but she couldn't hide the smile behind her small hands.

Katy's eyes grew wide. By boys, Regan meant The Maine and A Rocket To The Moon. They had been gone on tour, trying to promote themselves for the past two months. Katy almost dropped the glass she was holding. Their boys were coming home. That meant seeing Loren Brinton also. Katy had the hugest crush on him since high school. While Regan always told her she should act on her feelings, Katy chickened out and gave the same excuse, "I don't wanna ruin our relationship."

"That's great!" Katy squealed, sharing the same enthusiasm as Regan. "Have you seen them yet?"

"No," Regan said, calming down a bit. "They said they would meet us up here once they got settled in." She then began to jump again in excitement. "Guess what the best part is!"

"I have a feeling you're going to tell me before I get to guess." Katy answered, smiling at her.

"They brought Greg!" Regan squealed.

"Oh yay!" Katy said, trying to share the same enthusiasm. When Greg came into town, Regan spent all her time with him. While they rarely ever saw each other, Katy still got a little lonely not having her best friend with her.

"I know what you're thinking." Regan said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not going to completely ditch you." She held up three fingers. "Scout's honor." She smiled making Katy laugh at her.

Just then the bell on the door rang signaling the entrance of somebody. Both of them turn to look at the door and saw The Maine enter first, followed by A Rocket To The Moon. Loren came in and immediately caught Katy's eye. She blushed and put down the cup she had been holding, hoping he didn't notice.

Greg was the last to come in to door. Regan pushed through all the boys, screaming a girly squeal as she jumped into Greg's open arms. They were such a sickenly sweet couple. Nick frowned at this and said, "What about me? I'm your brother." But he went ignored as Greg now spun Regan around, happy to see her.

Katy came out from around the bar to greet the guys. They all smiled at her, hugging her one by one. Loren smiled down at her causing her knees to turn to jelly. Thankfully he had his wrapped tightly around her to keep from falling to the ground.

Ignoring her feelings would certainly be a hard thing to do.
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