
The Letter


No Ones Pov

Anna and Samantha where sitting in their living room when their parents came in from checking the mail.

"Anna, Sam?" They both turned their heads to attention to them.

"Yeah mom?" the asked at the same time and busted out in laughter. You see Anna and Sam are twins 15 year old normal twins. Well thats all gonna change.

"You both got a letter" Anna and Sam jumped up off the sofa and scrambled to get there letter. Mrs.Madison laughed at her daughters and gave them there letters and they read it together as their mother left the room with out another sound.

Dear Samantha and Anna Madison

We are pleased to accept this attendance to the famous school of witch craft and wizardry. The beginning of term is on September 1 be sure to remind you that the train leaves at exactly 11:00 no early nor later. Your school books and supplies are on the bottom. Thank you for joining us.

"Professor McGonagall"

When Anna and Samantha finished reading the letter they looked at each other like this was some kind of practical joke their mother was playing on them.

"MOM" they yelled

"What?" Their mother asked as they walked in the living room where the two blond haired twins stood shocked at the letter.

"What's this" their mother sighed the twins where very different Sam was mysterious and accident prone and she got into trouble a lot. Where Anna was girlie and kind and shy and smart. But they both took things quit difficultly when they have been not informed on something their parents all ways kept from them.

"Tom" she looked at her husband and he nodded for her to go on and tell the girls." Anna" she looked at Anna then sighed." Sam" she did the same thing as she did to Anna. "Your witches you come from a world of magic and wonders, danger and bravery and most of powerful wizards such as..." Their father continued naming off wizards who where great powerful ones like Dumbeldor the headmaster of the school of witch craft and wizardry, Harry Potter the boy who lived, and Voldamore the wizard who was bad and killed over a hundred people. Harry was their age waiting for something to happen or to be expecting something.

"Anna Samantha," Their father said "your going to go to that school you may be a bit behind but we went to that school. Your Mother and I with James and Lilly. We hoped if that we saved you from the wizarding world that you will be protected but it looks like you need to be able to protect your self. There are some things we can not explain or tell you. You will have to figure that out your selfs or with help of Professor Dumbeldor." Anna was taking this all in as well Sam had a few tears running down her face tears of anger and hurt. Sam swiftly ran up the stairs to her room and slammed the door shut and locked it tightly.Anna quietly walked to her room as well and closed the door wishing she knew what to do.

Tomorrow they where going to diogon alley to get what they needed apparently their parents had kept some money knowing this day will come in a bank gold gringots bank for wizards and witches. Normal people called muggels (non-magical folks) some times got expected to a girl our age named Hermione Granger is friends with this Harry Potter. Anna sighed and closed her eye's and before she knew it she was a sleep fully clothed to tiered to bother changing.

As for Sam she was crying silently to her self wishing why her parents didn't want them to go early she all ways loved thought of doing magic. Sam slowly but willingly took a hot shower and got changed into her pajamas and silently and peacefully fell a sleep.
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Well its the first chapter hoped you liked it ( I know you did I know I did ) lol anyways please comment I need comments comments did I mention I need comments. I think I believed I mention something about commenting. and subscribe please thanks
