
Professor Umbridge where's to much pink


No one's pov

Sam and Anna had ridden on the boats with the first years to be sorted. Once in the great hall a tall old looking lady stood there.

"My name is Professor McGonigall I'm head of the Gryiffindors and the transfiguration teacher. No when I call your names you will be sorted into your hoses. There are Raven claw, Huffel Puff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Each house is special which ever you get put into you will be loyal to your house mates." Sam looked at Anna with a smile hoping to get put into Slythirin for her plan to work. " If you break any rules points would be taken from your house. Now you will wait for me to call you into the great hall. Oh and Anna and Samantha Madison this way please." They looked at each other and followed the professor into a long narrow hall way.

"Professor aren't we gonna get sorted to?" Sam asked

"Yes you are but in the headmasters office." The twins nodded and continued to fallow her up a winding staircase and into a room. The room was small but big enough there was moving pictures that waved at them and smiled. "Please sit down and you shall be sorted." they both nodded and sat down.

"Mmmmm" the hat said as it was placed on Samantha's head."Very interesting a Madison mmmmmm well very difficult. Indeed it is difficult you will do great things in all house but what houses shall she be placed." Sam looked at Anna. "SLYTHERIN" that yelled as professor McGonigal took the hat off and Sam smiled. The professor placed the hat on Anna's head and was placed in Gryffindor. The twins both smiled at each other and headed out with the professor.

Sam's pov

I was walking to the slytherin table when Malfoy moved away where he was sitting I chuckled at what happened earlier.

"Drakie is that the mean girl that hit you?" A black haired pig face looking girl asked him. Draco nodded and I snorted out in laughter and took a seat by a cut Italian looking boy. The pig faced girl glared at me I just smiled.

"Don't worry about her Parkinson's all way's jealous because she thinks Draco's hers." I laughed as I heard a lady start talking. I squinted my eye's just to be able to see.

"Gosh that women where's a lot of pink who can were that much pink." He shook my head

"Sorry forgot to introduce my self I'm Blaize Zabini." I nodded to him

"Sam" I said before hearing the Lady speak

"and what must be prohibited." She said

"Gosh her voice is sooo anoying how could anyone live with that voice?" I asked Blaize I shivered and looked at across the room towards Anna at the Gryffindor table I smiled at her and made face and I saw her laugh.

"Hey there's gonna be a Halloween ball and I was wondering if you would like to go?" Blaize asked. 'Awww how sweet I thought but I'm gonna be way to busy annoying the crap out of Malfoy till then' I thought.

"I'm Sorry I'm not going to go." I looked at him with an apologetic smile. I still couldn't get over the fact that that women where's pink to much of it 'blah' I thought ' how could any one stand pink' I shook my head got up and went to the dorm. Of course I followed most of the Slytherins that where going that way.
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hey hey it's the fourth chapter of Twins hoped you like I thought that Umbridge did where a lot of pink how could some one where that much pink Gross a little pink yes much pink