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Sweetie You Had Me

Chapter Nineteen

Julie continued to weep over Jon’s body, and though she was still deeply upset over the loss, he wasn’t the only thing on her mind. She could feel that William was near, and if he wasn’t in the room with her yet, he would be soon. She knew him well enough to realize that he wouldn’t just kill Jon and leave; no he liked seeing Julie in pain too much to let such a privilege go. No, he wanted to see her cry and feel pain. It was one of his favorite pastimes.

She was surprised Ryan hadn’t known this. After all, he had known William much longer than Julie had. Shouldn’t he have known William would come? Perhaps he was much too distraught over Jon’s death to thin clearly, Julie was extremely distraught, and she had only known him for a months. She couldn’t imagine what Ryan must have been feeling. Nevertheless, Ryan was foolish to have left her alone in that room. She supposed it was just out of respect for her wishes, but still if he had known what she planned on doing, he never would have left her alone.

As Julie gazed upon Jon’s pale face she realized something; she never ever wanted to be responsible for the death of such a close friend ever again. Surely she was the direct cause of his death, but she felt like it was partly her fault, and she couldn’t bear to lose someone like this ever again. She felt like a part of her was missing; like the second Jon died, she lost a portion of herself that she would never be able to regain. She felt like in order to save everyone she loved from this horrible fate that only thing she could do was forfeit William’s game.

Julie wasn’t sure if she was making a good decision, but she felt like it was the right thing to do. She sighed and looked at Jon’s lifeless body once more before she decided in her mind that this was definitely the right thing to do, even if she was scared out of her wits. She would save everyone grief. This would make everything better. She was sure of it.

“I know you’re in here,” she muttered, reaching forward to take hold of Jon’s freezing cold hand for comfort. She waited for a few moments, eyes shut gently, and soon William’s scornful laugh rang through her ears.

“You know me so well,” William mocked, leaning against the closet from which he had appeared, a smirk on his sinister face.

Julie scowled, “I don’t appreciate you getting inside my head,” she told him, surprising herself that she was able to act so calm around her biggest fear and greatest enemy. “Are not even my thoughts sacred anymore?” She muttered sarcastically. She was also surprised that she was able to keep herself from attacking the evil man on the spot; after all, he had just killed the man that might as well be her brother. Perhaps her body was just too emotionally weak to even try and kill him. She felt like she had really given up. She was tired of putting others lives in danger. She just wanted William to kill her so that everything can be good for the rest of Chicago again. “I suppose then you’ve also heard of my intentions,” she said, her tear stained face a vision of indifference.

William snickered maliciously. “You mean your selfless little surrender,” he laughed again, “ Of course I heard you,” he scoffed, “I thought you were smarter than that.” William rolled his eyes as Julie didn’t move from her seat. “Come now. You idiotic girl, before Ryan hears my voice,” William beckoned.

Julie disregarded William’s insult, closing her eyes for a moment as she squeezed Jon’s hand. She was nervous about leaving with William. She didn’t want to leave any of the guys, but she felt like it was what she had to do. She leaned forward and laid a hand on Jon’s pale cheek, gently kissing his nose. “Goodbye Jon,” she said, tears again starting to form in her eyes. She wished by some amazing miracle he would wake up and make all her troubles disappear.

Julie stood and walked away from Jon, over to William. She stood in front of him, shaking with fear, rage, and sadness, but she was too upset to do anything about it. He grinned at her, and as she looked at his sharp teeth, as she could think about was him sinking them into her fragile porcelain neck.

William took a hard grasp on her waist and threw the girl over his should her as she shrieked. He rolled his eyes, but also tried to hurry, as he knew Ryan would be here soon. “What an awful way to win,” he muttered as he disappeared into the darkness of the closet.

Ryan of course heard the shriek, and dashed into the room only a millisecond to late. He growled as he smelt William’s horrible scent. Ryan was also filled with grief and distress, but the only thing he could think of to do was tell Brendon.

William carried Julie through the darkness for only short while before the darkness emerged into a large dingy room and looked like it belonged in some medieval fairytale. William threw Julie on the ground, a sharp pain being sent through her back as it hit a cold stony floor. “Welcome to the dungeon, My Dear.” William said, grinning evilly at her. “What a cliché name,” William said, scowling slightly, but it soon disappeared into his normal grin, “No matter, in your case we’ll just call it nightmare.”

Julie shut her eyes, unable to move due the pain her back, she blinked a few times to catch a glimpse of William who had his back turned to her. Her sight was blurry and rather weak, but she could still clearly see that it was indeed William. “Seeing as you let me win in the most boring way possible, I’ve decided that I’ll just torture you for a few days, then suck you dry,” William told her. Julie whimpered very quietly, closing her eyes in fear, but soon her eyes were again opened as she felt William’s palm collide with her face. “Shut up you obnoxious creature,” he commanded her, and she didn’t indeed listen, tears welling up in her eyes as a hand print formed on her face. Oh Jon. How she missed Jon. William only rolled his eyes. “You humans are disgustingly pathetic.” He commented, “And especially you. I had no idea it was even humanely possible for someone to cry so much,” he spat at her. “You’re nothing but a burden,” he continued to insult her. “How could anyone love such a disgusting, pathetic being like you.”

William soon chained her to the stonewall and left her inside the dark dingy room. “I’ll come check on you in a few days, I’m sure you’ll need feeding,” He had said as he left her in darkness. She started to cry again, feel just as weak and pathetic as William had said she was. Maybe he was right. Maybe no one could love her. Maybe all she would ever be good at is getting in the way. It sure seemed like it. Julie continued to cry and feel sorry for herself as she laid cold and alone on the damp stone floor. She didn’t utter a sound in fear that William might come down and hit her again, but in her heart she was screamed, wailing for help. She had done this to herself, but she forgot to add in that William lived for the chase, not the kill.
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew. Worked on this all night for you guys.
It's disgustingly short, but it's the closet I've posted to another chapter in a long time.
So what do you think, shorter more frequent chapters or longer less frequent chapters?
let me know.
So that goal thing didn't work. >.<
But I really shouldn't have expected it to. I mean really, me reaching a goal? That's inhumanely possible.
I was reading back in my chapters (I'm to lazy to tell you the reason), and I found out that back in like chap 8, I set a goal for 24 more updates before 2010.
Yeah, that so happened. -_-
Anyway, comment and love me, and I shall love you. :D