Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 1

-Narrator's POV-

It was mid December and it was freezing outside. My Chemical Romance were trapped in an auditorium with a whole bunch of complaining people. The only people who weren't complaining was the members of Fall Out Boy. Gerard looked at them and saw them bored and saw Pete rubbing his temples. "Hey Pete, grab your gang and lets go back on stage. Get away from the crowd for a while," Gerard said as he and his group made way through the crowd.

"Man, I haven't heard this many complaints since ... well .. ever," Andy said, looking at the group of people standing in front of the door. Andy tossed his drumsticks in the air for a while and stopped when he got hit in the head with one. "Ow," he said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Hey guys, I know a way we could calm the crowd down. Since we trapped until the storm blows over, might as well play. I mean, these are teens in this auditorium and we were forced to stop playing when the electricity went out," Frank said as he smiled.

"Frank, we can't play. The electricity is still out dipshit," Mikey said as he pointed at the lights up above him.

"Mikey, poor Mikey. I got to tell you something. I knew this storm was coming so I had someone turn the lights out so the teens wouldn't have to go home in two hours. This storm is supposed to last for about three maybe four hours. So, grab your bass and your ass on stage," Frank said as both bands grabbed their instruments and smiled at one another.

My Chemical Romance went on first and Frank told the guy to put the electric back on. The crowd shut up and turned and looked at the stage. They cheered and ran to the stage. "Alright everybody. Since we're going to be here for a while, might as well make the best of it, right?" Gerard said as the crowd cheered. Pete, Andrew, Patrick and Joe joined them. They started playing and the crowd sung along with them.

Gerard and Pete sang together and their groups came in. Ray was kind of pissed off and Bob didn't really want them to be on stage. Neither of them had a problem with the members of Fall Out Boy, it's the fact that they liked doing their own stuff and all that. They were good friends with them all, they just wanted their space.

After about six songs, the band took a break and hung out and talked with the fans. Mikey was having a blast with one of the female fans. They were getting along as if they've known each other for years.

FOB got back on stage and started playing more songs. As they were playing, Mikey walked over to Gerard and said, "Gee, I met this girl and she is amazing. I've honestly never met anyone like her."

"What's her name?" Gerard said as he kept his eyes on Pete.

"I forgot to ask. I'll be right back," Mikey said as he went to find her.

-Mikey's POV-

I went looking for the girl I had been talking to and couldn't find her anywhere. So I just gave up. The next thing I know, someone bumps into me. "I'm so sorry, dude. I need to watch where I stand," I said as I turned around. And when I made contact with the person, she looked amazing. "Um, hi, I'm Mikey," I said as I stuck out my hand.