Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 10

dun-dun-dun... dedication to... **fabulous drummer Bob doing the drum roll yet again...** ...Yakuza Queen.. now to zee storee _________________________________________________________________________

-Gerard's POV-

I held Becky close to me and looked around at the other guys. I saw Ray and the guys and the girls running toward the door. They all stopped and ran off in the other direction. "Guys, huddle up. Girls, if there's more than one, get in the middle. I got a plan," I whispered. We all huddled up and Becky was the only girl. She looked a bit scared. I leaned in real quick and gave her a quick kiss. "Becky, babe, don't worry. None of this is on you," I said, trying to calm her down. She nodded. "Okay, guys. If we want to ditch the po-lice, we have to split in different directions. Pair off in twos. Obviously, I'll have to be with Becky in order to keep her safe. Patrick you go off with Andy. Joe, you'll have to come with me and Becky. Like I said, we need to split in different directions," I said as I looked around. They all nodded and Becky immediately clinged to me when we broke the circle. Joe met up with us and we took off back upstairs. Patrick and Andy took off toward the back door.

"Gerard! What's going on?!" Becky said, following closely behind me.

"I said I'll fill in the blanks later. We don't have time right now to explain anything," I said as we headed for the doors that lead toward the upper parking lot. Luckily, Ray had brought the bus around that way. The three of us got on and Ray took off.

"WOOOO!" Ray screamed as we turned off the street.

'Meet us at the studio in an hour.' I texted Pete.

'Can do. Any of our gang with you?' he asked back.

'Joe-Joe.' I replied.

'Okay. See u l8r.' he said.

"Okay, Ray-Ray. To to the studio," I said, leaning back and kissing Becky lightly on the forehead.

-Patrick's POV-

We ran for the back door and I saw a glimpse of the bus on the other side of the door. I heard footsteps coming from the hall turning off this one up ahead. "Dude, we have to hide real quick!" I whispered as we dodged behind a janitor cart. The security slid and looked from side to side. Then walked right past us. I sighed softly and waited until he was out of sight. We got up and headed for the door again. I then saw a shadow and bit my lip.

"Should we dodge again?" Andy asked as he looked me. I shook my head as the guy appeared. It was a janitor. "Watch out!" Andy yelled as the guy backed up to the wall. We ran through the doors and the bus door flung open.

"Guys! Come on! We have to meet Gee and the gang!" Pete said as we quickly got on the bus.

-Pete's POV-

We headed for the studio and I yawned. "Where we going?" Patrick asked, heavily breathing.

"The studio. We'll probably head for the gig from there," I said, turning on the road, heading for the studio.


We got there and Gerard and the guys were there. Joe joined with us and Mikey handed us some coffee. "Well, that was fun," I said, taking a sip.

"Extremely," Gerard said, as we all laughed. We got back on the buses and headed for The Shamrock.


We got there about twenty minutes before we were supposed to go on. "It was good that we got out of there when we did," Gerard said as people slowly came in.

"Yeah, we have to go on it twenty," I said looking at my phone.

-Patrick's POV-

We got onstage and started tuning our stuff ... or checking to see if it was tuned. I took my hat off and set in on the microphone stand. "It's been a long day," I said looking at Pete. He laughed and nodded in agreement.


Five minutes before we started, the place was packed. I looked into the crowd of teens and young adults. One girl caught my eye. She made eye contact and I smiled. She smiled back and I motioned for her to come closer to the stage. She did and I bent down. "What's your name?" I asked casually.

"Rene," she said.

"Well, Rene, you know all the words to 'Thnks fr th Mmrs'? I asked

"Every word," she said, looking like she knew where I was headed.

"Well, get your cute self on stage. You're singing with us," I said reaching my hand out and then standing up. She grabbed it and we all started playing.


A/N: The Shamrock is an actual place; it's not very far from where I live here in FL.