Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 11

We finished our set and everyone cheered. It seemed that Rene knew every word to every song. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we all gave a bow. "So, you have fun?" I asked Rene as we walked off the stage.

"More than I actually expected," she replied. I sat down and used my hat as a fan. It had gotten really stuffy in the joint and I was burning up. Rene started walking off and I took notice. I grabbed her arm and pulled her on my lap.

"You got a boyfriend?" I asked, staring at her with a goofy look. She laughed and shook her head. "You sure?" She nodded. "Good," I said as I placed my hands on her face and kissed her. I pulled away and she looked at me.

"Why'd you stop?" she asked innocently. I laughed and pressed my lips against hers once again.

-Gerard's POV-

I had snuck out with Becky back to the tour bus a few minutes into Fall Out Boy's show. "Gerard, don't you have a show to do?" Becky asked, following me into the bus.

I looked at my watch. It was going on ten forty five. "We don't start for another hour. They won't miss us too much," I said, pulling her close and pressing my lips against hers.

"You sure you wanna do this," she said, pushing me against the wall and kissing my neck. Soft moans escaped my throat.

"Mmhmm," I said, tracing my hands along her waist down to her ass. She jumped a little and began to remove my shirt. I raised my arms so she could remove it. She kissed my neck once again and started kissing down my chest. "Damn..." I moaned softly.

"You know you like this," she said. I looked at her and nodded my head.

-Time Elapse-

We didn't get really far into the intimacy when there was a knock on the door. Actually, we were still dressed... well.. except for my shirt which was on the floor. "Gee? You in there, dude?" It was Ray.

I sighed and and hung my head a little. "Yes, I'm in here, Raymond," I said, kind of pissed that he interuppted what could have been the greatest thing that ever happened.

"Well, come on. We play early," he said, walking in. He saw me without a shirt on and Becky pressed against me. "Oh, apparently I'm interuppting something," Ray said, looking away.

"Yeah, pretty much," I said, giving a half-hearted smile. "Why do you think I was out here.. with my girlfriend.... alone?" I said, looking at him.

"Maybe to talk and get to know each other more.. I don't know.. but apparently I do now," he said, walking out.

"I'm sorry, babe. Later tonight?" I said, giving her a puppy dog look. She laughed.

"Alright. But I get to be the dominant one," she said.

"You already were. But I don't mind letting you do it again. You were doing good," I said, glancing at my erection. "And now all that has to go to waste." We laughed and I put my shirt back on.


A/N: S.S.S. (sorry so short) that's what came to mind. If you want to have more... comment and I'll be your bestest friend ever. =]