Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 3

Ok.. time for chapter 3 :D Just want to say congrats to ..... xemzillyx ...... this chapter is dedicated to you.
...kissed her. Molly put her arms around my neck and put a bit more force into it. I slid my tongue across her lip, wanting to gain entrance. She gave it to me. I exhaled slowly as I put even more force into the kiss and raised my hands to Molly's face. A few minutes later we pulled apart. "Wow," was all she said. I smiled and laughed a little bit.

"Surprised?" I said as I she looked up at me.

"Yeah, actually. I am. But I liked it," she said as we both laughed a little bit. She layed her head on my shoulder and I rested my chin on her head and held her close. And we just stood there, getting lost in the moment.

-Narrator's POV-

Frank was sitting at the counter, sipping down a coffee. Surprisingly, they had Starbucks. He listened to Pete and his crew play on stage and mouthed the words to the songs he knew. A few minutes later, a teen girl walks over and sits next to him and orders a cold drink. She looked at Frank and her eyes widened. "You're ... you're Frank Iero," she said as she pointed at him.

"Last time I checked yeah," he said as he stuck out his hand. "And what do you go by? If I may ask."

"Emily," she said as she took his hand. They smiled at each other and let go.

-Frank's POV-
I see Emily sitting there and think, 'My god, when did she get here. She's absolutely stunning. Better ask her out now... wait.. boyfriend question first.' As I was thinking about that I never noticed I was making wierd faces. "Frank, you alright?" I heard Emily say. I shook my head for a moment.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, just thinking. So you got a boyfriend?" I asked calmly and casually. She squealed. I guess she knew where I was headed with it.

"No. I don't. Why?" she asked, trying to sound like she didn't know that I know that she knew that I was gonna ask her out.

"Just curious really," I said and saw her facial expression change. "I'm sorry, really, I was just curious ... if ... you wanted to go out sometime? Sometime this weekend?" I said, practically begging. Her eyes filled up with joy and she stared at me.

"Yes!" she nearly yelled. I laughed and smiled at her. I walked over to her and set my coffee down and placed my hands on the edge of her chair.

-Emily's POV-
I see Frank standing in front of me and I gulped. What was he going to do? If I think he's going to do what it looks like he's about to do, then he needs to do it already!

-Frank's POV-
I leaned into her, our faces just an inch apart, and lightly press my lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around me and I placed my hands on her waist and put a little force behind the kiss. I pull away quickly, blushing quite a bit. The look on her face told me I shouldn't have stopped. I then pulled her to a back room and said, "Ok, I apologize for doing that --" but she cut me off by ....