Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 4

...kissing me again. She pulled away a few seconds later. "There's no need to apologize," she said as she smiled. I sighed in relief and looked away, like I was confused about something. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest. I smiled weakly and placed my hands on her waist, not letting go for nothing.

-Narrator's POV-
Gerard was sitting where he had been for the past half hour. After F.O.B had played one last song, some idiot jumped on stage and punched Pete. Gerard looked at Mikey and saw him explaining, or what he thought looked like explaining, to Molly that he had to help Pete. She nodded and Mikey met up with Bob and Ray. Gerard remembered seeing Frank walk into the backroom with a chick and walked back there .. hoping he wasn't interupting anything. "Frank," Gee said as he opened the door and saw the him and the girl standing there. "You got to get out here. Some dumbass is beating on Pete. We have to help him."

"Sorry Emily, I got to go. I'll be back in a few minutes," Frank said as Emily nodded and followed the two men out into the auditorium. The members of M.C.R. jumped on stage and kept everyone away from Pete. Gerard swung fists left and right, no one touched him. They saw the look in his eyes and couldn't. The look that made him look so insane that he'd go haywire on someone who dared touch him. One guy took his chances.

"Oh, little guy trying to beat a big man," Gerard said maniacally as he stopped the punch in mid-swing and leaned closer to the guy. "That's a major HELL NO!" he screamed as he pulled the guy closer and punched his stomach. Mikey's eyes widened and he walked over to his older brother.

"Holy shit, dude! That was fucking nuts," Mikey said as he looked from Gerard to the guy clutching his stomach on the stage.

"Well, no one touchs friends of mine, or in this case at this point right now ... my .... brother," he said as he punched a guy who was coming after Mikey. "I can't let people do that," he said, gasping for air. MIkey grabbed Gerard and pulled him away from the fight.

"Gerard .. stay here. You fought enough for right now," Mikey said as he walked back on stage. He looked around for Molly, just to see if she's ok and didn't see her anywhere. Finally, he saw her with another girl getting hit on by guys who he could tell craved only one thing. "Frank! Come here," Mikey said as Frank walked over to him. "Do you recognize one of those girls over there. I know one of them."

"Emily!" Frank said horrifyingly as both the guys ran and jump off the stage and ran toward the girls. "You mother fuckers! Get away from them!" Frank yelled as he grabbed one guy and punched him so hard he knocked the guy out. Mikey grabbed the other guy, punched till he was on the floor then kicked him in the head hard enough to knock him cold for a while.

"You two alright?" Mikey said, looking like he was about to cry. Emily clinged to Frank and Molly to MIkey. The guys fell to the floor exhausted. Mikey looked toward the stage and saw someone trying to go get his older brother. "Gerard!" he screamed, he stood up, and fell to the ground just as quick.