Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 5

-Mikey's POV-

I open my eyes and everything's blurry. I reach around for my glasses and grabbed them when I felt them. I put them on and look around. "What? Where am I?" I mumbled. I hear the door open and see Frank and Ray walk in. "Guys, what happened?"

"Some jackass came after you and hit you upside the head with a microphone stand. Me, Ray and Bob kicked the guys ass. He ended up in critically condition we found out," Frank said as they all grabbed a chair and sat next to me.

I look around the room. "Where's Gee? WHERE IS HE?!" I screamed as tears flew down from my eyes.

"Calm down, Mikey. He's next door. He's fine. Just a few bruises and scrapes," Ray said as he patted my legs. "Mainly on his knuckles, though," Ray said as he looked at Frank. "He sure did beat the shit out of a lot of people last night." I smiled at that.

"Yeah. I just don't want to lose him," I said as I immediately stopped smiling. "We got to get him out of here before ... well ... you know." The other two looked at each other and Frank ran next door.

-Frank's POV-

I ran into Gerard's room and stood there with my legs spread and my arms on the frame. Gerard's eyes flew open and he saw the needles. "Get those fucking things away from me!" he screamed. He tore the covers off of him and I moved out of the way to let him out of the room.

"Guess we should of warned you. Needles and Gerard ... not the best of friends," I said as I placed my hands in my pockets and walked back over to Mikey's room. I got back in and saw Gerard in the corner of the room. I walked over to him and smiled. "Don't worry, Gee. No nasty needle is coming near you anytime soon," I said, still smiling.

"Are you sure?" he said as he looked around and made sure no nurses or doctors were coming near him.

"I'm sure," I said as I walked to the door and locked it. "This door will stay locked until you both are better. Or until Bob gets here."

"Ok. Cool," Gerard said as he stood up and looked at what he was wearing. "Can someone go next door and get my clothes? I'm not going back over there."

"I'll be right back," Ray said as Gerard smiled at him. Ray laughed and unlocked the door and cracked it a little bit to make sure no one was outside the door. "Lock the door when I close it. There's a peep hole so if someone knocks you'll know who it is. Be right back." And at that, Ray left and closed the door. Gerard ran to the door and locked it and stood against it.

-Ray's POV-

I walk next door to Gerard's room and see his clothes on the bed. I go after them and two nurses walked up. "Are those your clothes?" one asked.

"Yeah actually. I had brought an extra pair because I'm a germaphob and I don't trust hospitals," I said as I picked the clothes up. "No matter how clean they are." I walked out and laughed. "Ha! Germaphob? Me? Yeah right."

I went to Mikey's room. I knocked on the door and a couple seconds later the door opened. I walked in and started checking the clothes. "Um, Ray, what are you doing?" Gerard asked me after he locked the door.

"Those nurses next door sounded kind of wierd so I'm making sure they didn't stick a needle in here," I said as went back to what I was doing. "Shirts good," I said as I threw Gerard his shirt. He took the hospital gown off and put his shirt on. I checked his pants. "Pants are a go." He took his pants right out of my hand and I saw a shining spot on them. "Gerard, hold the pants just like that," I said I as I reached my hand in the left pocket leg and pull out a needle.

"Ray, I love you!" Gee said as he smiled. "Are they safe?"

"Yeah, put them on. Please." I looked at his shirt and as another silver spot. But it wasn't touching him. "Gerard, do you feel anything on your shoulder besides your shirt?" I asked as I walked toward him.

"No, why?" he said as he started getting a little frisky.

"Stay still. Calm down," I said as I grabbed the silver spot and pulled. "That's why. They were planning to get you without you knowing."

I threw the needles in the garbage and me and Frank walked next door. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Frank asked as he glared at the nurses.

"He needs that shot. Otherwise he'll get awfully sick," one nurse replied.

"You actually think he cares about getting sick?" I said as me and Frank looked at each other and started laughing hugging each other. We walked out joking about it and went to go find Bob.