Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 6

alright ... new dedication... this time ... to JackSkellington..! .... so.. enjoy it. plz!? :D

-Frank's POV-

Ray and I walked into the waiting area and Bob was just arriving. "Hey, they alright?" he asked as he walked up to us.

"Yeah, Mikey's fine. Just had a concussion. Gerard had a few scrapes an bruises, mainly on his knuckles. He almost got a shot but he woke up before they got to inject him and he ran to Mikey's room. Found out that after he zoomed out the nurses stuck needles in his clothes," I said as we heard Molly and Emily come in.

Emily wrapped her arm around me and Molly looked at me as if she was about to cry. "Come on, Molly. Mikes is fine. Just had a concussion," Ray said as we all walked to Mikey's room. We all got there and Mikey was dressed and looking like nothing happened to him.

"Molly," he said, sounding a lot happier. She ran up to him and they embraced. "You ok, hun?" he asked as he looked down at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad you're ok. That guy hit you pretty hard," she said as she kissed him. Mikey smiled and we all walked out of the room.

"Umm, Mr.Way?" someone said. Mikey and Gerard turned at the same time.

"Yeah?" they said in unison.

"Oh! I'm sorry, which one of you is ... Gerard?" the man asked.

"Oh, I am. Why?" he asked backing up a little bit. The guy was a doctor and Gerard had a feeling what he wanted.

"You were supposed to get a shot. That cut on the side of your face is infected and needs to have medicine. If you don't want the shot, I can give you anti-biotics--" but Gerard cut him off.

"Hand over the anti-biotics. No fucking needle is coming near this body," he said as the doctor cleared his throat and pointed at a little girl beside him. "Oh, sorry," he said as he smiled.

"Alright, come with me," he said as Gerard grabbed Mikey's arm who grabbed Molly's hand.

"You're coming with me just in case this whacko nut job decides to stick a needle in my ass or something," Gerard said.

-Mikey's POV-

The three of us walked behind the doctor and finally got to a room. Gerard spotted a needle and started heading out the door. I closed the door and Molly and I stood in front of it. Gerard gave a scared smile and turned around. The doctor picked up the needle and Gerard's eyes widened. "Mikey! Help me!" he whispered.

"Oh? You thought I was tricking you into getting a shot? No. I understand. I hate the things, too. But I kind of gotten used to them really," the doctor said. He looked through the cabinets and found what he was looking for. He tossed a tube of anti-biotic medicine. "There you go. Just put some of that on after ever shower and you're good to go," he said as he smiled.

"Ok, will do," Gerard said as he nodded his head and we walked out the door.

"Hey, F.O.B's joining us at the studio. Want to come hear us play?" I asked Molly. She nodded and we joined the others.

-Time Elapse-
-Ray's POV-

We had to be at the studio in half an hour and we were all hanging at the mall. Everybody split up and went their seperate ways and we decide to meet at Hot Topic. I walked into Hot Topic and looked around through the shirts. I noticed this girl looking at me and I decided to mess with her. I smiled and walked over to the area she was in and I thought I heard a slight 'Holy shit!' come out of her. I laughed and stood next to her.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked casually.

"Alright. Just boring, you know?" she said, trying not to sound too excited.

"Yeah. I had a very ... interesting ... night last night. Major fight in an auditorium that My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy played at. Not a pretty sight two minutes into it," I said as I stuck out my hand. "By the way, I'm Ray."

"Maddie," she said as she smiled. "You're an awesome guitarist."

"Thanks," I said as I smiled back. I noticed her look around. I guess she was seeing if anyone was around. Then the unexpected happened. She kissed me. My eyes widened and I closed them. She pulled away instantly.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just --" she said. But I cut her off by returning it.