Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 8

yet ... another dedication... to .... dj bonertown.
-Narrator's POV-

Both bands pull into the studio parking lot about twenty minutes later. Pete parked the F.O.B. bus and Mikey parked the M.C.R. bus. They all got out and walked in. Jimmy, the guy that always helps the guys of both bands, was in there. "About time you guys. I was about to leave," Jimmy said as he unlocked the door to the recording area. Fall Out Boy decided to go first since Ray wouldn't part away from Maddie. Same went for Frank and Emily ... and Mikey and Molly. Gerard and Bob laughed as they looked at the three couples lip-locking. "You guys ready?" The members of F.O.B. nodded and took their places.

As they were playing, the guys of M.C.R. were talking and Gerard was annoying the crap out of Ray and Maddie. They kept trying to make him stop but he wouldn't. "Hold on, ok? I got an idea," Ray said as he whispered his idea to her. She smiled and nodded. "Hey, Gee. Can I ask you something outside? It's sorta personal and I need the opinion of the leader of the group."

"Sure," Gerard said as he shrugged his shoulders. Ray opened the door and let Gerard out first. When he was out the door, Ray slammed the door shut and locked it. "Ray you moron! I should've known you were going to do that." Ray smiled and walked back to Maddie and pulled her close.

-Time Elapse-

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Jimmy looked at the door and saw that it was Nikki, his cousin. "Hey, Ray? You think you can let my cousin in?" he asked as Ray got up and let her in. Gerard started to come in but Ray pulled Jimmy's cousin in and closed the door and locked it before he could. Gerard started throwing a fit and started banging on the door, demanding Ray to let him back in. Ray just mouthed sorry and shrugged.

-Pete's POV-

We started playing 'Thnks fr th Mmrs' and a young teen walked in. Our eyes met and I smiled. She smiled back. The rest of the guys took notice and looked from me to her. Our glance was stable. We didn't even bother to look around to see if anyone was watching us. I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on. The band stopped playing and the next thing I knew, I heard a loud, "Pete!" I shook my head and looked toward the direction it came from. It was Patrick.

"Sorry, guys," I said as I walked out of the recording area and walked up to her. "Hi, I'm Pete," I said as I stuck out my hand.

"Nikki," she said as he grasped my hand and we shook. "You should have been paying attention. That was my favorite song," she said as she smiled.

"DAMN IT RAY! Let .. me ... IN!" I heard Gerard scream from the other side of the door.

"Ray, let him in would you? I'm getting really annoyed at him yelling," Mikey said as Ray nodded.

"About fucking time," Gerard said as he glared at Ray. Ray just smiled and waved.

"Why did Ray do that to Gerard?" Nikki asked as she looked toward the two thirty year old guys.

"Ray and the chick right there were getting annoyed by him and Ray locked him out," I said as she laughed.

"That's classic," she said as she looked at me. I stared at her and smiled back.

"Hey you want to go out sometime?" I asked casually, trying not to sound nervous.

"Yeah, that would be great," she replied as I gave a slight 'yes!' She laughed again and we all started packing up our things.

When we started walking out, Jimmy pulled me back and waited until everyone else was gone. "You do anything to her and I'll kill you," he said as his eyes filled with hate and anger. I nodded and he let me go. I ran out and was the first one on the bus.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Patrick asked as he walked on.

"Nothing. I just wanted to be first," I said as Nikki sat next to me. I gave a quick grin to Patrick and wrapped my arm around Nikki's shoulder. We then drove off behind M.C.R. and headed toward the mall again. I wonder what the security will do when we get back?