Times No One Could Forget

Chapter 9

quick dedication to .... **drum roll from Bob :D** Xxhopeless_heartsxX ....

-Narrator's POV-

The boys and the girls that were with them arrived at the mall. Mikey decided to take Molly somewhere to eat across the street. They were both hungry and wanted something to eat. Ray and Maddie stayed in the bus, only because they never even realized that they had arrived back somewhere. Frank and Emily stand in front of the bus and talk about what they're going to do later tonight. Pete and Nikki just walk around town, trying to get to know each other a bit more.

"Pete, I'm sorry about Jimmy. He's just really over protective. He's like an older brother to me and doesn't want anything happening to me since he lost his only little sister," Nikki said as she moved closer to Pete, wrapping both arms around his waist.

"Ahh, don't worry about it, babe. I understand. A lot of people are like that sometimes. Not just Jim-Jim," Pete said, smiling at her and kissing her lips lightly. They pulled apart and stopped. Nikki turned to face Pete as Pete did the same. He placed his hands on her face and kissed her again, deepening the kiss this time.

When Gerard walked in, everybody stared at him like he was a bad guy. He made eye contact with a girl standing at the register in Hot Topic. She smiled and Gerard smiled back. Gerard didn't care that people were staring at him. He checked his breath and popped a mint in his mouth, just in case. When he got into Hot Topic, the girl was just about to leave. She stopped in mid-step when she saw Gerard. "Hi, I'm Gerard," he said as he slowly stuck out his hand.

"I-I'm Becky," she said as she grabbed his hand. Gerard pulled her close and placed his hands on her face. He stared into her eyes and she gazed back at him.

-Becky's POV-

I stood there, Gerard fucking Way two inches away from me. 'Holy shit! What's he going to do? Kiss me, damn it!' I thought as I continued to stare in his gorgeous eyes. Next thing I know, I feel soft lips press against mine. I closed my eyes and I ended up dropping my bag and wrapping my arms around his neck. He deepened the kiss and shoved his tongue into my mouth. I inhale deeply and slowly exhale. His hands move from my face to my waist.

-Gerard's POV-

I was standing there in Hot Topic, making out with the cutest girl I have ever seen. The next thing I know, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I ignored it and continued to kiss Becky. The tap became more annoying and I pulled away. I turned around and was standing face to face with security. "Can I help you?" I asked as I picked up Becky's bag and handed it to her, then pulled her close.

"Yeah. It was reported that you and about ten if not more people were in the fountain downstairs in the main lobby," the man said as he looked from his notepad to me. I felt my phone vibrate and looked at it. I looked up and saw the some of the members of Fall Out Boy across the hall. I saw Andy looking straight at me.

"RUN! DAMN IT! RUN!" he screamed. I grabbed Becky's hand and ran for the Andy and the others.

"What's going on?!" Becky said, looking at me.

"I'll fill in the blanks later. Right now, we just got to get out of here," I said as we met up with Andy and them and ran downstairs. We ran for the front door and were stopped by about five other mall security dudes. We all pushed close together and I stayed close to Becky. 'I really shouldn't have dragged her into this,' I thought to myself.