Status: -.-

Your Smile, Bert


I said my goodbyes to Bob as he went the opposite direction towards his locker.

Bert followed me to mine, mainly because most of his books are in it. He was dragging his feet around.

"What's your issue?" I asked him.

I didn't get a reply.

"Okay." I grabbed my books out of my locker and let Bert grab his. We went to first block, yes, even the school system finds it necessary to stick Bert in classes with me. I gotta love it.

Our first block is pretty awesome. It's art class, and I happen to love art. A lot of our friends are in this class too. That's not always a good thing for my "daily" grade. But, I'm always getting A's on my projects, luckily.

"Today we're doing something a little different." Our teacher said.

I sat at the table with four others, Alicia, Laura, Dan, and Bert. Bert had his head down, Laura was looking in her mirror, and Dan was looking to the other table at Jepha. Alicia and I are the only two that ever pay attention. I rolled my eyes.

"Only four to a table today, and make sure your across from someone."

Alicia, Laura, and I waved at Dan. He was glad to leave, and went to Jepha's table. Alicia and Laura sat across from each other and I moved in front of Bert that way I didn't have to wake him.

"Okay, now, I want you to begin thinking about the person across from you, and looking at their best facial feature."

Eyes, Bert has amazing eyes.

"Your going to be drawing the person across from you, and they're going to be drawing you. First, you'll do a rough draft, then a final. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I should be able to tell who it is. This is our last project, so I expect it to be done well."

"Hey, Bert." I poked him. "I've got to draw you, so head up."

"I heard." he mumbled.

"Wake up." I said.

The teacher began passing out paper. "Now, Laycie, if your having problems getting Bert to stay awake, just tell me, I'm sure Mrs. Mcpeak would love to hear about it."

"I should be able to keep him up." I said.


I grabbed a pencil from my bag. Okay, time to get started...

First I need to know what's wrong with him. "Bert, can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm fucking tired." he said finally raising up. "That's all."

"Whatever, just when you can tell me what's wrong, I'll be ready to listen."

"I need a pencil." he said.

I took another pencil out of my bag. "There, now draw me." I said.

"I'm afraid to." he said.

"Why?" I asked putting an oval on my paper.

"I can't draw or paint or color worth shit and I don't want to screw up your pretty face."

I rolled my eyes as he got up to sharpen the pencil.

"That was really sweet." Laura said.

I sighed. "He always says stuff like that."

"That takes a lot for a guy to say that kind of stuff." Laura said.

I rolled my eyes. "It's Bert, he says it to everyone."

"I think he might like you." Laura said quietly.

I laughed. "Yeah, he's my best friend, sure."

"Laura, I need to see your face!" Alicia demanded.

Laura faced Alicia, "Okay, chill."

I sat back in my seat. Bert liking me as more then a friend? That's kind of ridiculous. I mean wouldn't he tell me if he felt that way? We tell each other everything.


The end of the school day had come, and we stood outside waiting for the buses to come. I'd lost Bert. I stood against the building and Bob was standing next to me.

"We'll have to hang out Friday." I told him.

"Yeah, that would be great." he said, "And somewhere other then the fucking mall, please."

"I would invite you over but, I have brothers that never stay out of my business, and an adopted brother that never stays out of my face." I said.

"We'll work it out." he said, "I really wouldn't mind either way. I just want to hang out with you."

I smiled.

My bus pulled up. "There's my bus, I'll call you later."

He kissed me before letting me go.

I got on the bus and took my normal seat. Bert sat next to me.

"So, how's Bob?" he asked in a weird tone.

"Fine?" I said.

"Whatever." he said.

I gave him an odd look. "What the hell...?"

He stayed silent, but still got off the bus with us.
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