Status: -.-

Your Smile, Bert

Gag Me With A Spoon

That night, Bert walked home without even saying he was leaving. I would've walked with him, but he didn't look like he wanted me to.

I sat up and continued texting Laura and Bob, which was like 'Laura leave me the hell alone so I can talk to Bob'. I wasn't going to say that. Didn't really have the heart.

"Hey, Lace." Gerard called.

"Yes?" I asked looking up from my phone.

"What was wrong with Bert today?" he asked standing at my doorway.

"I'm not quite sure." I replied. "He said he was tired, but I don't really know."

Gerard shrugged and left.

Hm, Gee noticed too. I wish I knew what the hell was wrong with him. He seemed to be okay on the bus this morning. I don't know, maybe he was just tired. We'll see for sure tomorrow, I guess...

In the mean time, I continued texting.


I got into my first block. Bert was on the bus this morning, but ditched me after that. So, who knows if he'll show up to class on time. I really hope he didn't like run off with someone to do drugs or something.

Sure enough, as soon as I began to worry, he entered the room. He sat in front of me and gave me a slight smile.

Thank God he smiled.

Mrs. Karrico passed us back out our papers. I had gotten the basic sketch down. I don't think I should go into too much detail on my rough draft, that would be such a waste of time.

"Laycie, how come you didn't tell me yesterday about you and Bob!" Laura exclaimed.

"Yeah, seriously." Alicia said not even looking up from her drawing.

Bert let out a small laugh.

"I didn't think you cared?" I replied.

"It's gossip about the circle, of course Laura wants to know." Alicia said.

"That's a good point." I laughed.

"Hey, I like gossip, what can I say?" Laura laughed. "But, I had to hear it from Olivia and then see it to believe it."

I shook my head and continued working.

"Laycie, don't be so shy on the subject. When did he ask you and what are the details." Laura asked.

I laughed a little remembering the morning before. "It's kind of weird, actually."

"Tell." Alicia said.

"Or don't." Bert said.

"Tell." Laura said.

"He came to me asking for advice about how to ask a girl he like out, pretty much." I said.

"Ah, the old asking for advice trick." Laura said, "Classic."

"Do you want to hear the story, or not?" I said.

"Go on." Laura said.

"Well, I told him the nest time he had her alone, kiss her. I had no clue he was talking about me. Until, well, he kissed me." I said.

"Oh, God." Bert said, "Gag me with a spoon."

"Kissed you? Do you mean a peck or a real kiss?" Laura asked.

I felt my cheeks burning. "It wasn't like tongue down throat or anything." I replied.

"Better not have been." Bert said.

I rolled my eyes.

"I could hear you all the way over here." Jepha said, "and by the way, nice."

I blushed.

"Oh, Jesus, can we please change the subject." Bert said.

"Why?" Laura said, "Jealous?"

"No!" Bert exclaimed.

"Okay, Laura, enough." Alicia said.

I rose from my seat to get my final draft sheet of paper.


Once I got home, I shut my door and locked it. I really didn't feel like being bothered while I talked to Bob. I picked his number from my address book.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey, beautiful. What's up?" he replied.

I felt my cheeks burn red. "Nothing really, just wanted to talk, and maybe figure out a plan for Friday."

"Cool. Well, Friday, my house will probably be empty, which might be a little awkward. So, I really don't mind going to your house."

"At least you honest." I laughed. "Well, I swear, my three siblings can be moderately controlled, so I guess that will be alright."

"Good, I just don't want to like, make you feel weird."

I smiled. "Thanks. I was just warning you though. Plus, don't you think with Olivia there it will be weird enough..."

"Well, if mom and David leave, she usually goes to Laura's or somewhere. So, she's not a real problem."

"Cool, cause like, no offence or anything but, she bugs the crap out of me sometimes."

"Try living with her."

"Oh god, you two are related. You've just hidden how annoying you really are to seduce me." I laughed.

"Yeah, that's exactly it. I hope not." He laughed, "Well, she's only my half sister but that's still in the bloodline."

"Really? I never knew that."

"Yep, we have different dads, which is fine with me because, she doesn't have to come to my dads with me."

"Well, I was going to ask when you called David, David. She calls him dad, right?"

"That is her dad."

"Oh, well, see, that makes much more sense."

"Laycie." Bert said knocking on my door.

"Damn, I'll call you later." I told Bob before hanging up. I rose from my seat on the bed to unlock the door. "What, Bert?"

"I just missed you is all."

"It was ten minutes."

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