Harry Potter MSN chats

Malfoy and suspicions

big_bad_harry has entered the room
hermy_onne:O_o...big bad harry?!
big_bad harry:Yeah,girl.I'm now da master of da computers.I'm Da Computer Speller.Da Computer will do everything I ask him to do.Look,there's Da Computer barking like a dog!!!
hermy_onne:Harry.....you're crazyO_o
big_bad_harry:Who are u calling crazy,you little mud-blooded girl?!
hermy_onne:Harry!!!!*cries*What happened to you?Are you drunk...??
big_bad_harry:Yeah sure I drank too much beer with no alcohol,right?
hermy_onne:Then why are you CRAZY??
hermy_onne:Wait a minute....only one person would call me mud-blooded...and that is.....
big_bad_harry has signed out
hermy_onne:How did you find harry's pass?!?
harry_potter has entered the room
hermy_onne:HARRY IS THAT YOU?
harry_potter:Yes,why are you asking?
hermy_onne:Malfoy finded out your password,entered your account and talked with me.Probably now he's talking with Cho ar something like that.GO CHANGE YOUR PASS!!
harry_potter has signed out.
hermy_onne:Well that's better^_^
harry_potter has entered the room.
hermy_onne:I just wonder why Malfoy didn't change your pass so you can't enter your account anymore....
harry_potter:With his mind.....
hermy_onne:Shut up Harry,he's pretty intelligent,you know...!
harry_potter:O_o...you're in love wth Malfoy.
hermy_onne:NO I'm not!!!
harry_potter:Okay...if you say so...I gotta go now
harry_potter has signed out.
hermy_onne:Hmm....maybe it's true...!