Falling For His Secrets

Prologue & Present

My name is Alison Gerard. Everyone wanted to be my friend. Girls envied me, and guys wanted me. I had a reputation as the good girl, yet I was still popular.

I was on the cheerleading team, yearbook committee and field hockey team. I had flawless grades because I worked hard. My parents and I had a plan. Finish high school then go the law school at Harvard.

Everything was planned out, and everything was supposed to run smoothly. I was the typical small town girl. My life was perfect. Until Benjamin Harvey walked into it.

Now I find myself running around the world with Ben. And not just for the fun of it. I am running away from someone. My life is in danger his family are the only people who can help me.

I took a deep breath as I followed the man in a suit down a long hallway with white walls and white tiled floor. The man opened a big silver door for me, and I walked in nervously. In the small room there were three people. A woman sat at a silver table in the center of the room. Across from her was my boyfriend, Ben. Beside the woman a man leaned on the back of a chair.

“Please have a seat Alison.” The woman said.

I glanced at Ben, taking my seat beside him. He was slouched in his chair and had his arms crossed across his chest not making eye contact with me. He was pissed.

“My name is Headmistress Trudell, as Ben might have mentioned,” she glanced at Ben.

“I am going to go over your options once more, so that we are all clear and on the same page.” Headmistress Trudell said shuffling some papers around in front of her.

“Okay.” I agreed even though I had already made my decision.

“You can be induced with memory modification drugs and you will not remember the past few months. You will wake up and forget all about the life Ben has told you of. Don’t worry, the drugs will not harm you,” she said showing no emotion.

“Or, you can start going to school here. We can train you and teach you to become like us. You may graduate later than most people your age, but still I think you can catch up,” Headmistress Trudell said smiling a little while explaining my second option.

“I choose number two.” I told her with no hesitation. Ben suddenly jumped up from his chair and left the room slamming the door.

“Hopefully Benjamin will come around...” Headmistress Trudell said to herself rather then to me or the man still standing beside her.

“So, you will start here at Fairfeather Academy for the Young Academically Gifted immediately. We will take care of your old school and make sure they are informed of your transfer.” She said handing me a package of pamphlets and brochures.

“We will get you a dorm room, probably with one or two roommates. In the package that I gave you is a map of the school and your class schedule.” Headmistress Trudell said.

“Remember, your family and friends will only know Fairfeather as a school for gifted teenagers. You must keep our secret and not tell anyone what we really teach here.” She said getting a little more serious.

“Of course, don’t worry at all.” I said reassuring her.

She cracked a smile as she said, “Welcome to spy school Alison.”
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remember, this is the present.
most the story will be written in a flashback/the past.