Falling For His Secrets

Give Me The Girl

I woke up to a loud crashing noise. Within seconds Ben's arms were removed from around me and he was dressed standing by the door of his room.

"Ben?" I asked confused and half asleep.

"Shh. Get dressed, follow me." He spoke quietly, and softly, trying to calm me down.

I rolled out of his bed and groggily slipped his big t-shirt off. I pulled on my jeans and tank top I had been wearing earlier.

I was so worried about the noise I didn't even think about Ben watching me change. I just did what I was told.

I tugged my boots on and glanced at the clock. Three in the morning.

"Come on." Ben whispered. He grabbed something out of his dresser drawer but I didn't see what it was.

He took my hand and slowly opened his door. We slid along the walls of the hallway to the stairs. Ben stood in front of me as he peered around the corner.

He quickly leaned back against the wall. My heart sped up. Time seemed to move faster.

A gunshot rang out through the large house, echoing off walls and tiled floors. I stood frozen up against Ben.

He pulled something out of his pants, the same thing he had grabbed from his dresser. A handgun.

My eyes widened in fear as my (unofficial) boyfriend slid around the corner and pointed the gun at a strange man. "Do not move." Ben's voice was hard and cold. His words made a shiver run down my spine.

I heard him click the safety off the gun. "Ben!" I screeched my voice breaking a long silence. I didn't realize I had even spoken until Ben pushed me back behind him.

The intruder turned towards me as if noticing me for the first time. When their cold eyes met mine I realized I knew them. It was one of the men that had been following us the very first day I met Ben.

My voice caught in my throat and everything seemed so real. I heard every breath Ben took and felt the eyes of the man staring me down.

"You have 5 seconds to call this off and get your men out of my house." Ben's voice broke another long silence.

The man just snickered, still holding his own gun up.

"One." Ben started to count. He said each number when he was about to say five, the man turned his gun and pointed it at me.

"Give me the girl." He said a thick accent coating his words.

I clenched my teeth not knowing what to do. I felt Ben's hand against my stomach, where I was standing behind him. I looked down to see a gold key in his hand. I took it and slid it into my pocket.

I was confused but knew Ben had some sort of plan.

"No." Ben said simply. A small smile appeared on Ben's face and I saw Joshua and Maria standing at the bottom of the stairs. Joshua had a gun trained on the man who stood in front of us.

Ben's fist balled up behind his back. He tapped my stomach and I watched his hand. He slowly raised his fingers. First one, then two, and when he raised the third finger I made a run for it.
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Short, i know. But I had to leave you hanging :) Comment?