Falling For His Secrets

I'm A Spy, How Else?

I ran down the stairs and straight into Maria, she slung an arm around me and then guided me as we ran down a long hallway.

We stopped at a metal door. "The key, did he give you the key?" She asked checking behind us.

I nodded searching in my pocket. I pulled it out and handed it to Maria. She opened the large door and pushed me inside, following behind me.

She shut the door tightly behind us. I turned to see a brightly lit room. A couch sat in the middle and bookcases lined one wall. The back wall was divided in two, one side painted white and the other a giant mirror that stood from the floor to the ceiling.

When I looked closer I could see that in the coffee table, there was a big collection of different handguns on display.

The bookcases held all kinds of tools and gadgets that I can’t even describe.

Maria started going around picking up random things and putting them into a bag. She then took out one of the guns and a magazine for it.

She turned towards me once she had zipped up the bag. “Here.” She held it out towards me.

“W-what?” My voice quivered.

“Take it. You’ll need it, just give it to Ben when you guys get on the plane.” She explained handing the bag over.

“Plane? What plane?” I demanded confused.

Maria looked down at her shoes for a minute. “Don’t worry Alison, everything will be fine.” She smiled and led me towards the back of the room.

“Help me push this please,” She said her hands on the large mirror.

Together we pushed the mirror over, revealing another metal door. Maria handed me the key that Ben had gave me.

“At the end of the tunnel Asher is waiting, he’ll help you from there.” She explained punching a code into the door.

“What is this place?” I asked.

“It’s just a secure room, in case of emergencies.” She said.

“Good luck Ali,” Maria pulled me into a hug and quickly let me go.

I was stunned by this. I had just met her.

“Go on, I’ll see you soon.” She smiled before gently pushing me into the long white tunnel.

I starting walking along the white floor, my boots clicking lightly.

The walls were lit with bright lights and white paint.

I heard the door slide closed behind me and Maria’s footsteps as she left the room.

I kept walking slowly for about 20 minutes.

“Hello? Ali?” A male voice asked as I neared the end. I could tell because there was yet another metal door.

“Asher?” I asked in response. He came out from what looked like an empty wall.

I must have looked confused. “These wall panels move, so you can get in the wall’s and hide. You can actually walk all along the inside of the wall.” He explained.

“Oh.” Was all I could say. I kept thinking about Ben and what was going on back in the house.

“Well, come on. We gotta go.” He said pulling on my arm. We walked out the big door and into the dark night air.

We had come out the back of the house, straight into the garage.

Asher pulled a handgun out of his waistband and looked around the room.

When he seemed satisfied that no one was in here he put it away. “Jeez, does everyone have gun’s in this family?” I asked.

“Pretty much. Well, you have one don’t you?” He winked. What did that mean?

He climbed into the driver’s seat of a red Lamborghini. The passenger’s door opened up for me to get in. I sat down on the cool leather seat and the door automatically closed.

“You’re at the most fifteen… so how can you drive?” I asked a little afraid of the answer.

“Fourteen, and I’m a spy, how else?” He grinned as he started the car.

“Oh god.” I breathed starting to hyper ventilate.

“Calm down cheerleader, I’ll go slow.” He said as he drove out the driveway.

I nodded, my breathing returning to normal. But as soon as he pulled onto the highway, we were speeding off.

He had to be going over 100, but I was too scared to look. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed this would end quickly.

And it did, because we soon arrived at the airport. Here I am again, at the airport within 48 hours of the last time I was here.

Asher immediately jumped out and helped me out of the car. We jogged towards the private terminal and soon boarded the familiar jet.

We didn’t leave right away though, like I thought we would.

Asher sat down next to me in one of the seats.

“He’ll make it, you know. He always does.” Asher whispered beside me.

“I know.” I said looking out the window.
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I love lil' Asher. :) Comment?