Falling For His Secrets

That's Classified

I guess I looked scared because he squeezed my hand and said “Don’t worry, we’ll loose them soon.”

We walked into a little café and sat down. He looked out the window at the two men. They had lost sight of us in all the people walking along the sidewalk.

“Are you going to explain why you pulled me off the street into a scary alley, asked me to help you, made me change my clothes and hair, and why two creepy guys with sunglasses are following us!?” I demanded in an angry whisper.

His face looked apologetic. “I can’t. Please just trust me. Soon I’ll leave you alone and you will forget about me. I’m so sorry I involved you.” He said.

Like I’d ever forget his face. He got up pulling me with him and walked out of the café. We walked a few feet and then he let go of my hand. “You can go now. I’m sorry.” He said again. I just stood there dumbstruck. What the hell was going on?

He turned around and started walking away.
“Wait! Can’t I even know your name?” I shouted after him. He turned and looked me in the eye, almost looking sad.

“Benjamin. Benjamin Harvey.” He said right before he disappeared into a sea of people on the sidewalk.
The next day I got to my first class late. I had barely gotten any sleep the night before because I had been thinking about the strange boy named Benjamin.

I wondered about the men following us, and how he could just walk away from me without explaining anything. I wanted to talk to him again, figure this out.

“Miss Gerard, I dislike tardy students…” My teacher Ms. Edwards said. I was never late. Ever.

“I’m sorry Ms. Edwards, I over slept.” I tried to explain. She wasn’t listening anyways.

The second bell rang and she started the lesson. About 15 minutes into class there was a knock on the door. Our vice principal Mr. SanMarco walked in.

“I would like to welcome a new student,” he said as he motioned for someone to enter the class.

I watched as a very good looking boy walked into the class.

“This is Michael Hastings, please welcome him into your class” Mr. SanMarco said but I barely heard.

I stared at the boy and he stared at me. It was him. It was Ben. Why did Mr. SanMarco call him Michael, had he lied to me about his name yesterday?

Ben recognized me too and a look of panic washed over his face.
“… and I hope you enjoy the remainder of your year here." Mr. SanMarco said finishing his little speech.

He glanced around the room, and then added "Miss Gerard will show you around."

Wait, what? He wanted me to show Ben/Michael around? Well maybe this would give me a chance to talk to him.
At the end of class Ben jumped out of his seat and raced out of the room. I followed him to his locker.

“Ben? Or should I say Michael.” I sneered at him. Why had he lied? He stared at me looking panicked again.

“Well? You’ve got to give me some answers!” I said annoyed.

“Okay. But shhh! Jeez, not here. Meet me in the parking lot after school.” He said looking around cautiously as if we were talking about some big secret.

“Fine,” I said as I turned and walked away, "And you can find your own way around the school.” I added sounding smug.

After school I stood in the parking lot waiting for Ben. A sleek black car drove up beside me.

“Get in.” Ben said from the driver’s seat. I got in the passenger’s side and we sped off.

“So…” I said looking at him.

“Where do you want me to start?” He asked, eyes on the road.

“Who were those men following us? And why?” I asked.

“I can’t tell you who they are, and they were following me because I have something they want.” He said in a bored tone.

I laughed. “What are their identities, like, classified or something?” I asked him.

He didn’t laugh though. He turned and looked at me seriously. “I shouldn’t be talking to you. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” He said shaking his head and ignoring my question.

“I can keep your secrets.” I said smiling. I don’t know why but I wanted to know everything about this boy. There was something mysterious about him.

“You’re sure?” He asked. I nodded waiting for an explanation.

“Those men work for a really powerful family. They are after me, but they will never catch me. I’m too good.” Ben said. I looked at him blankly.

“What are you? Some kind of gang-banger?” I asked.

“No. But if I told you what I really am, you wouldn’t believe me” He said.

“Try me.” I told him.

“Maybe I’ll tell you later.” Ben said.