Falling For His Secrets


“You won’t believe me. I’m telling you now you will not believe me.” He said turning to face me.

I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to continue.

“My family runs this company called SAOA.” He started.

“Say-Oh-A?” I tried to pronounce it.

He nodded, “Or just S-A-O-A. It stands for Superior Agents Of America.”

“…so like the FBI or something?” I asked.

“No. Like spies.” He stated simply.

My eyes widened and my mouth hung open. “You’re… a… spy.” I said. It wasn’t even a question. Everything started to make sense to me. Ben not being able to tell me stuff. All the high tech security, all the sneaking around and men in sunglasses. The fake name, the huge house and expensive car.

“Yep. That’s my secret. Which by the way… you told me you could keep my secrets.” He said watching me closely.

I don’t know what he expected… me running away screaming and shouting? It’s not like he was some kind of monster.

“I can keep them. But you’re like the good guy right?” I asked.

He laughed relieved that I wasn’t going anywhere. “Yeah, I’m the good one.”

“So you’re whole family are spies?” I asked my mind flooding with questions.

He nodded.

“And you switching to my school with the fake name… that’s what you meant before about it being ‘part of your job’ and ‘a mission’. And you’re family always being away, and moving!” I said everything falling into place. “It’s all because you’re a spy.”

“Yeah. Any more questions?” He joked.

I might as well get them all out. “What’s you’re mission thing anyways? What does your family protect? Does the school know about your job? How did you become a spy? Do you travel too?” I asked.

He laughed, “Wow, I really shouldn’t have asked that.”

I looked away kind of embarrassed.

“Can the mission explaining wait? I REALLY can’t tell you that yet.” He asked, and I nodded.

“My family protects our country… some of the stuff you hear that the army seizes and the people they lock up… like chemicals, and crazy terrorists… well that’s really kind of things what we do. There are a lot of technologies that we protect from getting in the wrong hands. Stuff that the real world can’t handle. Bad stuff.” He said his eyes sad.

I could tell he really hated this life. Like he said before, he wouldn’t have chosen it. Everything had to be kept a secret… it was never safe. I nodded again.

“The school has no idea. No one does… except you now.” He told me thinking hard again.

“I became a spy… because that’s what I knew. My family made me I guess… I didn’t know any different life. I went to special school’s to be a spy. They train us. I currently go to high school at Fairfeather Academy.” He told me.

“I’ve heard of that school! I thought it was just for really smart rich snobs?” I said confused.

He laughed, “Yeah, that’s what we want people to think.”

“And you’re last question… I do travel. A lot. But for now I’m staying put. I gotta finish at Fairfeather, and I gotta finish my mission.” He took a deep breath.

“Wow.” Was all I could say, I needed to process everything.

“So are you okay now? You get it?” He asked.

“Yeah. I’m good… but amazed and kind of overwhelmed.” I admitted.

“Alright. Let’s go home.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch and started to walk to the door, expecting me to follow.

Something took over me. Maybe it was because I was sorry for him to have no choice but this life. Maybe it was because I was happy he told me everything. Or maybe it was because I liked him. A lot.

Whatever the case, I pulled him back around, towards me.

I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him close. Then I turned and kissed his cheek.

It took him a second but soon enough his arms were around my waist and he looked at me for a moment before leaning in and kissing me.

It was like fireworks going off inside me. My stomach did flips and my head felt dizzy. My knees went weak and my heart bounced around in my rib cage.

We were kissing for quite a while before we finally broke apart, out of breath.
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:D comments!?! please? they really help me and make me update faster! come on! the more comments, the more chapters!