Status: On Hiatus :( I'm sorry, I'll probably update, but not often.

Heroes, and Their Heroine

Here I Go Again

What was I supposed to expect?

The moment I felt my wrist being tugged, electricity shot up my arm. I didn't have to guess to know who stopped me. My hard, rude facade came to play as I glared at the object of my unwanted affections. When he let me go, I felt relief flood through me. I made my way to my car and slid into the seat, shutting the door and peeling out of the lot as quick as I could. Through the rearview mirror I saw Emmett glower at my retreating car and stomp back into the diner.

He was right though; I was getting ridiculous. Going through great lengths to ignore him, and not talk to him. It takes ever fiber in my being to not crack a smile at his playful antics and it's getting harder to put up a front.

I sighed and parked my car in my driveway, deciding a walk would be in order. Right, left, right, left; fallen leaves and grass crunched under my feet as I walked in the forest. Emmett just had to think that I didn't like him. It's better that way.

I heard someone clear their throat and my eyes widened. I turned around to stare at a curious and confused Edward, who leaned against a tree, arms crossed over his chest. "Why?"

I blinked, feigning innocence. "Why what, Edward?"

He cocked a brow and made his way next to me, taking a seat at the base of a tree while I sat on the bark of a fallen tree.

"You know what Maria," he said plainly. "Your thoughts. Care to explain them?"

I glared at him, "Ever hear of privacy?"

He nodded but obviously didn't care, "I've heard of it, and I can't help it either. Your thoughts bombarded me from miles away and I had to see if you were alright."

She smiled a little, "I guess that's okay, but I'd rather you just pretend like you never heard anything Edward."

"I will," he replied, pale cold fingers toying with the grass in front of him. His golden eyes looked up at me and he smiled, "Just as soon as you tell me what's up."



"No way."

"Yes way," he mimicked.

"No sir-ee."

"Yes ma'am," Edward countered. I glared at him.



"Yes," I said quickly, hoping to trick him but he only grinned.

"Great then, you can start now. We've got tons of time!"

I glared at him, "Fine." He waited for me to continue and I did, my voice dropping to an all time low, "The reason we moved here is because my mother cheated on my father; they're getting a divorce. They were so in love, Edward. Divorce never was apart of their vocabulary," I explained sadly. "At least I thought it wasn't. Everything was fine; and then one day my mom comes home with some guy who had is arm drapped around her. I could clearly see that my dad was pissed, and hurt."

He frowned and said knowingly, "And you don't want to end up that way."

I nodded and let the frown mirror onto my own lips. "Yes."

He sighed. "Emmett really likes you though."

"And love isn't an option I want. It's not an option I need," I retorted.

"That's ludicrous," he scoffed. He tossed his head back with a nod, his bronze hair jostled with the movement. "Everyone wants and needs love, what makes you so different?"

I shrugged, "I wouldn't know. I just don't want it."

Edward ran a hand through his hair. His gold eyes analyzed me as I sat across him, "If you don't want to like him in that sense then, at least be his friend. That can't hurt."

Having enough of this conversation, I stood up, brushing off my pants and shirt. Edward stood as well, being the gentleman he is and walked me back to my house. "I'll give that a try," I finally whispered. My resolve was not strong enough and soon gave into Edward's request. He smiled brightly and I nodded.

"Good," he beamed. "So you'll just have to go back to the diner today and talk to Emmett about it! And if he still comes home, sulky as usual, I'll know you didn't."

"And what?" I snorted playfully. "What would you do Edward?"

He shrugged half-heartedly and traced his steps back to the Cullen home, "Don't know yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something. I'll talk to you later, Maria!"

I rolled my eyes but said a soft good bye and made my way up to my room. I lay down on my bed and hugged a pillow close to my chest. How exactly do I tell the guy I've been avoiding, that I want to be friends with him after being a total bitch towards him in the parking lot?

I don't know.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: Here I Go Again -- WhiteSnake

Dude that song is super catchy ;)
Thank you for reading.
Quick thanks to maryhadalittlelamb for the comment :)

Six Strings, Eighty-Eight Keys. :)