I Wish I Had Died Right Then and There

This is my Girlfriend

I woke up with a jolt. I looked around I couldn't think of where I was or what I was doing there. I saw a woman and a man sleeping on a couch and a chair. I got up and looked around. The woman started to move around and her eyes flittered open. She started to cry and ran over to me and weeped in my arms in a hug.

"Lexie, oh my god. I thought I lost you."

When we both pulled away. I was looking at her confused.

"Don't you know who I am?"

I shook my head.

"Charles, wake up. Lexie is awake. Please go get the doctor, she doesn't know who I am."

The guy got up and ran out of the room. In a few seconds the doctor came back with the guy, charles,.

"Lexie, My name is Doctor Robinson. I was well still is your Doctor."

I just starred at him blankly. I didn't know who he was and who those people are.

The doctor pointed to the woman.

"That is your mother and that is you step father and your name is Lexie you are 18 years old. Now what is your name?"

I opened my mouth to repeat what he said but nothing came out.

"Take your time Lexie. Now try again."

I took a deep breath.

"My name is Lexie, I am 18 years old and I live at 95 Norman Dr."

"Good, very good."

I turned to face the man and woman. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Mom, Dad."

I let the tears run down my cheeks. My mom and Dad ran over to me and we all hugged.

"You can go home today Lexie." Then the doctor left.

After my family got out of the hug I asked "Mom, Dad, what happened?"

"A boy named, Rick, shot you in the head. The bullet pierced your brain, but not enough to kill you, luckily that day a woman died in here, her brain was still fresh so they tranplanted her brain into your head. It was a 24 hour surgery. You were in a deep sleep or should I say coma for 3 months."

"Holy shit, I feel like the whole world in moving fast in time. Wait..."

Todd, Oh my god, how could i have forgotten.

"Honey, I know our thinking about Todd."

I started at her like. You always know what I am thinking.

"He still works here. He never visited you he said he would hate to see you in the state you were at, but here is so make up and fresh close for you once you get dressed, put on some makeup, and brush your hair you can go see him."

I dashed to the bathroom. i quickly got dressed brushed my hair, and then I slowly and carefully did my makeup. I put on a whole lot fo eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, mascara, and clear lipgloss. I stepped back and thought I looked damn hott. I hopped Todd thought so to. I opened the bathroom door. Mom and dad probally went to the cafeteria. I walked down the halway to the service desk.

"Lexie, Oh My God, you are awake."

"Hi Ms. Carmichael, When i woke up I couldn't remember anything. i felt so stupid."

"Oh don't say that you have a new brain and everything you should be happy."

"I know. I have a question."


"Is Todd here?"

"Why, yes."

"He would love to see you. I will just call for him."


I turned around and standing there was Todd.

"Hi Todd."

I reached over and gave him a hug.

Just then I girl came up next to Todd.

"Oh, Lexie this is Katherine, my girlfriend."