The Past Always Comes Back

Bottled Up

“Stay AWAY from me!” I screamed.

“Maya! You know you don’t mean that at all! This is so stupid! Just explain to me what I clearly don’t get… what the heck happened between you and Nate?” Tessa said.

“Nothing Happened! And, Yes. I. Do.” I said each word with more and more anger.

She let out an angry sigh and turned on her Marc Jacobs heels, slamming the door behind her.

I was SO mad. I wanted to run after her and continue screaming. We had been yelling at each other for over an hour. Fighting over none other than… a guy!

But this time it was different. Me and my best friend, Tessa, weren’t fighting over a guy because we both liked him, it was bigger than that.

We were fighting because my best guy friend from high school had showed up, and I had told him to leave without even listening to what he had to say. Maya was mad because she knew I used to like him, and she was confused about why I had shunned him so quickly.

She didn’t know the whole story though. I had never told anyone. I had promised myself I would move on from Nate, and I would forget the horrible memory, along with all the high school drama that went along with being close to a guy like Nate.

Tessa and I had moved to the city into an apartment together, miles away from our hometown. We had left town as soon as we graduated high school. We both had always wanted to live in the city and have no rules. We were party girls, and we finally had the nightlife we wanted.

But Nate showing up in my new life, threw me right out of control and back into high school drama that I had tried so hard to leave behind me.
I sat on the couch starring at my phone. Tessa would call soon enough.

It was after 1 am. I had no idea where she went, but she always called or came back after we fought. Sometimes she’d be a little drunk, but she always came home.

As the clock slowly changed from 1:30 to 2 to 2:30, I got worried.

I was about to call her when my phone rang. I picked it up without checking the caller ID.

“Tessa!” I sighed in relief.

But it wasn’t her. “Maya… don’t hang up!” Nate said quickly.

“Meet me at the bar on Gordon Avenue. Tessa is in trouble.” He said sounding stressed.

“Fine. But only cause I need to get Tessa home.” I sneered.

When I arrived outside the bar, I was surprised. I was clearly not prepared for what I saw.
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Maya has long wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. She is short for her age (19) and has a freckle above her lip on the left side. She has an average body with curves. She has tanned skin because her mother is mexican.