The Past Always Comes Back

The Maya

Bright sunlight shone through the curtains. I opened my eyes looking around the small room. Pale yellow walls surrounded me. A tall dresser stood against one wall, and a wooden chair sat by the bathroom door. The bed I was laying in was in the middle of the room, under the window.

I could hear Nate breathing heavily beside me. Somehow we had moved last night so that I was on my back and Nate was on his side, facing away from me.

I crawled out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I poured a glass of water and found some Tylenol. I started up the stairs again but almost spilled the water when I heard someone behind me.

“Um, hi?” A male voice said from the bottom step.

I spun around to see a tall guy with medium length black hair.

“Billy?” I questioned remembering that’s whose house Nate had said this was.

“Yeah… and you are just some girl in my house?” He nervously smiled.

“I’m Maya… I, uh, stayed with Nate last night.” I tried to explain without making it seem like we slept together.

“Oh. Ohhh!” Billy said his eyes wide.

“No! He was drunk at this bar and I helped him home.” I said quickly.

Billy nodded still a bit confused.

“We know each other. We went to high school together.” I said suddenly feeling exposed in my baggy t-shirt and underwear.

Billy didn’t seem to notice my outfit though, he was suddenly nodded his eyes excited. “Oh! You’re Maya!!!” He almost shouted.

“That’s what I said…” I told him confused.

“You’re THE Maya!” Billy said happily.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Nate talks about you a lot you know.” Billy said under his breath.

I bit my lip not knowing what to say.

“I have to go… give this to Nate.” I said holding up the Tylenol bottle.

“Yeah,” Billy nodded.
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