The Past Always Comes Back


"Hey," Nate opened the door smiling.

"Hi." I said as I brushed past him and walked into the house. I noticed him checking me out as I walked by.

I ran up the stairs and into the room he was staying in.

I looked back to see a confused Nate standing in the door way.

"Uh... why are we in my room?" He asked leaning against the door frame.

"I left some clothes here." I said grabbing my outfit from the night before off the desk chair.

"Oh. So if you weren’t wearing that... what did you have on?" He asked an evil grin appearing.

I decided to play along. "Nothing." I said winking.

"Damn. Sorry that I was too drunk to see that."

"Ha ha, you're a real comedian." Sarcasm dripped from my voice.

Nate moved closer to me putting his hands on my hips. "Oh yes I am." He leaned in and I wound my arms around his neck.

Our lips connected softly. Soon enough we were kissing with a sense of urgency. It was like our lives depended on it.

Some how or another, we made our way to the bed, still making out.

Nate ran his hands up my shirt and over my back.

My fingers tangled in his hair and our lips crushed together.

I kicked off my boots and Nate's hands lingered on the waist of my pants.

He pulled away looking in my eyes. "Do you want...?" He quietly said.

Suddenly I had no idea what I wanted. "Uh... well..." I stuttered.

"Nate, I have to go." I jumped up pushing him off me.

I pulled on my boots and tried to run down the stairs but Nate caught me in the hall way.

"Maya, what's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"I...I just can't. Sorry." I said pulling out of his grip.

"Maya!" I heard him yell desperately as I ran out the door.

I ran three blocks before stopping to catch a cab. I was out of breath as I rambled out my address to the driver.

"Everything alright ma'am?" He asked looking in his rear view mirror.

"Uh yes. I'm fine." I mumbled.

He nodded and looked back at the road. He quickly dropped me off outside my apartment. I paid and thanked him then ran inside.

"Maya?" I hear Tessa ask as I ran past her and into my room.

"Hey! Come back!" She said knocking on my door.

"Go away." I grumbled.

"Sweetie, you'll eventually have to talk to me." She said in a knowing voice.

Ugh. Stupid her, she's always right. I stomped over to my door and swung it open. Tessa bounced in and sat on my bed.

"I fucked it up." I groaned falling onto the bed next to her.

"Fucked what up?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Everything with Nate."


"We were... making out... on the bed and then I wouldn't, you know... sleep with him." I stuttered.

Tessa's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Such a drama queen.

"WHAT!? Why?" She screamed.

"I don't know! I was just so nervous and had no idea what I even wanted!"

She closed her mouth into a sly smile. "So you like him. A lot."

"No! It was just so fast." I tried to defend myself, but we both knew I do like Nate a lot.

"It's okay to be scared, especially with someone you like a lot. And you guys have history, you were friends forever, so it might be a little weird." She said softly.

"That's not why it's weird..." I decided this was the time to tell her all about James.

The whole time I told Tessa she nodded and said "Oh Maya." She hugged me when I was finished and told me she was sorry for getting so mad about me not telling her.

"Tessa it's not your fault. I should have told you sooner, it's just... no one else knew except me and Nate and the police. I didn't want anyone to know. I feel so responsible for it."

"You are not responsible for it! Don't ever think that." Tessa said strongly.

I managed a weak smile. "But now what? Nate will never speak to me again. I totally denied him, and left him there confused."

"He'll get over it. And I can tell he likes you a lot, so he's not going to give up." She smiled again rubbing my back.

"But I feel so bad. I mean, I want to. I just got so freaked out. But... I think I love him." I said surprised at myself for telling someone that.

"YAY!" Tessa squeaked hugging me again.

"Yeah but what good is that if he hates me now?" I asked frowning.

"He won't hate you if you tell him that!" She smiled at herself.
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finished the chapter. :D