The Past Always Comes Back


A police car was parked in front of the popular club/bar. Two officers escorted a young girl from the building.

Not just any girl, but Tessa.

Her long black hair hung loose around her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkled with tears. She was wearing the same outfit as earlier, when we had our fight.
Skinny jeans, a black tank top with beading, and a white jacket.

She was handcuffed and had her head down.

People stood all around, watching the scene. I couldn’t see Nate anywhere. As much as I hated him, he was the only one I could go see to find out what happened.

“Maya.” A voice called from behind me. I turned to see him walking up to me. His blond hair hung almost covering his eyes. He had on ripped jeans and a plain navy t-shirt. His lip ring shone in the street lights.

It had been a year since I last saw him (not including the day before when he showed up at our apartment). A year since the night we had ended our friendship. He looked older, different. Of course turning 19 can change how you look.

“What the heck happened!?” I screeched at him.

He closed his eyes for a second trying to figure out his words. He always used to do this before he explained something. I used to think it was cute, but right now it was annoying because he was taking so long.

“She’s wasted, and she starting fighting with some girl and then the bartender called the cops on them. I tried to stop them from arresting her, but there isn’t anything I could do.” He said tightly.

“Well what are you doing here anyways?” I asked knowing that he still lived at home, and went to university only a town away from where I used to live. I didn't care about that for now, just why he was at the same club as Tessa.

“Here as in the city? Or here as in this club?” He asked even though he knew what I meant.

“Club.” I said simply getting frustrated.

He groaned, “I’ll explain on the way to the police station… we’re gonna have to go down there and bail her out.”

“Whatever. I’ll drive.” I said not letting him protest.

Once we were in the car, I could feel him studying my face. “What?!” I asked impatiently.

“Whoa. You haven’t changed. Still have no patients what-so-ever.” He smiled.

“Shut up, just tell me what you were doing there, okay?” I said angry.

“Okay, okay. Tessa called me. She wanted to meet there, but I was all the way across town, so it took me a while to get there, and then she was drunk and mid-fight with that girl when I arrived.” He explained.

“Why did she want to meet...?” I asked suspiciously. Even though we both knew the answer. To talk about me. And Nate. And why I am so mad at him.

He just looked at me raising an eyebrow.

“You wouldn’t have told her anyways.” I stated. Neither one of us was ever going to tell anyone. That was the deal, and the promises. It was easier like this. It wouldn’t hurt other people, or us if we kept the events of that night a secret.

“True.” He whispered just as we pulled into the police station.
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Nate has longish dirty blonde hair, that hangs just above his eyes. He has his lip pierced. He's in shape. He has a crooked smile and blue eyes.