The Past Always Comes Back


“Hi. We’re here to bail Tessa McDonald.” I said to the officer at the desk.

He laughed. “Yeah, she’s gonna be a while. Probably gonna end up stayin’ the night. Ya’ll can get comfy on the chairs if ya wanna wait… she might be out before dawn.” He said with a thick southern accent.

I groaned. This was going to be a long night.

“Great. Thanks.” I said sarcastically.

He just shook his head and went back to typing on the computer.

Nate followed me to the plastic chairs in the waiting area, and we sprawled out across them.

Eventually I fell asleep because I was so exhausted from partying the night before.
I woke up to the sound of keys jingling.

I tried to sit up but realized someone’s arms were around me. “EW! Nate get off me!” I whisper-shouted in his ear.

He grunted and moved away from me, settling in his own chair.

I noticed two officers coming out of the interrogation rooms. I recognized them as the two who had arrested Tessa.

I stood up and walked over. “Uh, excuse me, but do you know when Tessa McDonald will be up for bail?” I asked as sweetly as I could.

One of them looked me up and down taking in my wrinkled billabong t-shirt to my jean shorts & flip flops. ‘What? It was hot in our apartment’ I thought annoyed.

The other grunted, “In the morning. She’ll have to spend the rest of the night here.” he said pointing at the clock.

It was already 15 to 5am. Jeez. I wanted my bed.

“Can I at least see her?” I asked him.

He shook his head. “Well doesn’t she get a phone call?” I asked.

“She used it. No one answered.” He said and then turned and walked off.

Figures. She probably called the apartment, while I wasn’t there. She definitely didn’t see me at the club then.

I went over and poked Nate waking him up. “What?” He asked annoying. He hated being woken up. Served him right for coming over and falling asleep hugging me.

“I’m leaving. She can’t be bailed until the morning. Do you want a ride somewhere?” I asked bored.

“Uhh… I was staying with a friend… but I don’t have a key. He’s probably out cold by now. What time is it anyway?” He asked.

“Almost 5. Fine you can crash on my couch tonight.” I rolled my eyes and stocked off.
When we got back to mine and Tessa’s apartment, I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and pretty much threw them at Nate.

He looked surprised, like he was innocent. Ugh! Like he has totally forgotten what happened between us.

I stormed off into my bedroom, and went straight onto my balcony. I took a deep breathe of the cool night air. Looking out over the city below me I could hear music still going from parties and clubs.

It’s been a while since I staying in, and wasn’t out there dancing and drinking with the rest of the city.

Once I had cleared my head enough to sleep, I changed into an NYU t-shirt and pj shorts. I climbed into my bed and drifted off to sleep for the second time that night.
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Maya doesn't go to NYU btw. She just has a shirt from there... The story takes place in Canada. I made up their hometown Charlesville btw... unless there is a place called that.
I googled it... and there is. It's in Nova Scotia, Canada. WEIRD. Soo I guess that's where they are from. Hehe.