The Past Always Comes Back

Being Scared

Bang! Bang!

What the? I rolled over and looked at my door. It squeaked open a crack.

“Maya? You up yet?” It was Nate.

I groaned. “Yeeeah...” I lied. He had just woken me up of course. I looked at the clock. Crap! It was 11 am.

Nate opened the door wide and looked at me, tangled up in my blankets, obvious that I had just woken up.

He narrowed his eyes, “Awake is looking different than it used to look these
days.” He said sarcastically.

“Ha-Ha.” I fake laughed. I rolled off my bed suddenly aware of how short my pj bottoms were.

“Uh… I’m gonna shower.” I said quickly waving him out of my room and closing the door.

After my shower I put on some random clothes, ate and sat down by Nate on the couch.

“So… uh did you sleep good?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. I just LOVE couches...” He said with fake enthusiasm. He looked right in my eyes.

God I hate when he does that. It makes me almost forget everything we went through.

I looked away and stood up. “We should go… rescue Tessa from the cross-dressers and prostitutes she probably had to spend the night with.” I said trying to joke and break all this weird tension between us.

“Yep.” He said standing up too. It was definitely still awkward.
After talking with the police for awhile, trying to convince them to let us take Tessa home, they finally brought her out. I made Nate pay for half her bail, and she would definitely be paying me back for my half.

When we arrived back at our apartment, she showered and put on clean clothes.

I sat on a bar stool in our kitchen waiting for her.

"Do you want me to leave?" Nate asked randomly from beside me.

"Why do you ask?" I said in a daze.

"You haven't said a word to me since we left to go bail Tessa. You won't even look at me." He stated. Everything he said was true, but I obviously had a reason.

I laughed, and turned to face him. "Did you bump you're head off anything recently?" I asked.

"What? No..?" He questioned.

"Well then you haven't forgotten what happened during our last year of high school!" I said furiously.

"Maya... don't do this. Not now," He tried to calm me down by putting his hand on my arm but I shrugged him off.

"Why not now? Why can't you just face what you did, and maybe say sorry for it! That's all I want! For you to fucking apologize!" I screamed.

He let out an angry sigh. "You know it wasn't my fault! And you know I feel bad... but maybe if you had listened to me when I showed up here a few days ago, you would have gotten what you wanted!" He yelled. His eyes looked hurt.

I realized what he meant. He was going to say sorry that day he had shown up and I had slammed the door in his face.

I starred at him blankly, not knowing what to say.

"You know Maya..., I always liked you," He paused and let out a laugh, "I never wanted anything to happen to you. Why would you think all that happened was my fault?" He asked sadly.

"I...I was scared." I whispered quietly.
♠ ♠ ♠
hope everyone is liking this story so far :D please comment if you like it! it gives me encouragement, and makes me actually want to write more. ;P
ps: I never mean to offend ANYONE, so if anything I write does, I apologize in advance.