The Past Always Comes Back

What Really Happened

For a moment I was back in 12th grade. I remember the night that tore us apart. It started out with Nate picking me up to go to a party. Usually we did that on Friday nights.

When we got to the party it was out of control. People were drunk, and high. I insisted we find my boyfriend, James to make sure he was okay.

Once we were inside looking around I found James. He was in a room with some girl... doing stuff. I was so pissed. He saw me and followed us onto the back deck of the house.

James was wasted, and probably high. He always went too far at parties, drank too much, and smoked a lot. I was used to it... him and his bad boy ways.

He had pleated and begged me to forgive him for cheating on me. I just stood there confused and hurt. Nate tried to take me home but I wouldn't let him, I wanted James to pay.

I walked over to James and slapped him across the face, like any self-respecting girl would have done.

When I turned to walk away James grabbed my arm. Tightly. He wouldn't let go, and he was squeezing me a little too hard. He had said that if I were to walk away right then, he would kill me. I knew he wasn't lying either... he was that kind of person.

Nate had heard what he said and he ran over and punched James. They fought for a bit, with me screaming at them to stop. Out of no where someone yelled that the cops were coming cause the party was "disturbing neighbourhood peace".

Nate and James didn't hear the kid yell, so I was panicking more. Finally, they stopped. But it was too late. Nate had pushed James, and James had fallen off the deck onto a bunch of rocks.

I was screaming and crying when the cops arrived. Most of the party goers had left, only a few remained. They were arrested and taken to the police station along with me and Nate.

We explained everything to the cops. No one had seen what happened. Only me, Nate, and the cops knew the full story.

James' death was blamed on his alcohol and drug abuse, along with Nate using self defence.

Everyone around town still thinks that James had just lost his balance and fallen off the deck, because it was almost rotten.

After that night Nate and I had never been the same. I blamed him for James’ death. Just because I could. I wanted someone to take blame.

I knew that it wasn’t Nate’s fault. But I still told myself it was. Because it felt better than knowing it was MY fault.

“I was scared too.” Nate said bringing me back to the present.

I looked back over at him. Realizing that I had been shutting him out for no reason. He was the one who deserved an apology. I was just too stubborn and too angry at myself to give him one.

I turned away blushing. It was as if Nate could read my thoughts. I didn’t want him to know that I blamed myself now.

“You should go now.” I said looking at the counter instead of Nate.

“Fine.” He stood up and left quickly, leaving me sitting there wondering about my past and trying to figure out how I could fix it.
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is it good so far? what will happen next........ :O