The Past Always Comes Back

Empty Beer Bottles

Nate’s P.O.V.

Later that night I sat at Club Caribbean starring at my empty beer bottle. What was this, number 12? 13? I couldn’t even remember. I was trying to decide whether I should order another, or just leave.

I made my decision, pushing my stool out and staggering to the door.

Once I pushed my way outside I heard a voice behind me.

“Hey handsome, looks like you need a place to sleep.” Said a girl with a squeaky voice.

I turned around and saw her leaning against the building. She had long bleach blonde hair, a black v-neck dress and fishnet stockings.

I squinted at her. ‘Whore,’ I thought.

“No thanks.” I slurred and began walking again. I could hear her heels clicking behind me, following me.

Shit. I hate girls who can’t take no.

“Really, girl, I don’t want a hook up so just leave.” I said turning around.

Only it wasn’t the hooker. It was Maya.

“Nate, come here.” She said concerned.

I tried to focus on her pretty eyes but I was too drunk. I stumbled towards her stopping just before I trampled her.

She was a whole head shorter than me. If she hadn’t have been looking up at me, I could have rested my chin on the top of her head.

“Oh god.” She whispered, probably smelling the beer on my breath. She was so close that I couldn’t help my self. I wrapped my arms around her tiny torso, and leaned my tired head on her shoulder.

Maya’s P.O.V.

He pulled my into him, resting his head on my shoulder.

Nate reeked of alcohol. He was completely wasted, I could tell just by his eyes when he tried to focus on me.

I rubbed his back slowly not knowing what to do.

“Mayaaa,” He said standing up straight and looking at me. “I missed you baby girl. Why did you leave me in that stupid old town?” He said slurring his words so bad I could only guess what he had said.

I bit my lower lip slowly pushing him off me. He staggered a bit, but gained his balance. I had to take him home, I couldn’t just leave him here.

“Nate, just wait here okay?” I said and he just smiled and nodded.

I pulled out my cell and walked far enough away that Nate couldn’t hear me.

“Cole? Hey it’s Maya.” I said into the phone.

“Ay! Wassup home girl?” Cole asked, he too was slightly drunk.

“I can’t come tonight, sorry.” I said actually sad I would miss out on this party.

“Oh, why not sweet cheeks?” He asked disappointed.

Cole and his silly names. “I’m caught up… just party extra hard for me alright?” I said dodging his question.

He laughed, “You got it ma’am.”

I giggled, “Kay, bye.” We both hung up.

I turned back around to see Nate slouched up against the wall of Club Caribbean.

I walked over to him and pulled on his arm trying to get him to stand up.

“I’m going to take you home and stay the night with you.” I said pulling.

“Ohhh. So you do like me, huh?” He grinned and winked.

I ignored that and started walking to my car while pulling his arm.

Once we finally arrived where he said he was staying, I got out of the car and knocked on the door.

“Mayaaa,” Nate said from the car. “I have a key, come use that. Don’t wanna wake up my boy Billy.” He said with his eyes have shut.

I started walking towards the car and then remembered that last night he had said he didn’t have a key to his friend’s place… and that’s why he ended up staying at my apartment.

I took the key from him and unlocked the door, then dragged his half limp body inside. He stumbled to the stairs and sat on the bottom step.

So he had lied to me, so that he could stay at my house. He knew I would offer to let him stay there. Why would he do that though?

I kicked off my shoes and started to go upstairs. “Come on Nate, where’s your room?” I asked.

He pointed to the first door in the hall then climbed the stairs behind me. Once I got to the top floor he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I ignored him and opened the door to the room. I stood in the doorway with Nate hugging me and leaning on me.

The first thing I noticed was the single bed in the middle of the room.
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hmm single bed... will she stay the night?
ps; i love comments... it makes me feel like someone is actually reading. so if you are, it only takes ten seconds to write a tiny comment. they really encourage me to keep writing :)