As You Wish

Favorite Person



My life wasn't exciting but it wasn't boring. I didn't get abused but I didn't get ignored. If I were to do something stupid, I would be known for it. My life didn't suck, I just sucked at playing life. I wasn't that girl that everyone loved and found pleasant to be around nor was I the girl who everyone pushed a side and ignored. I was just an average girl who had my own set of problems and my own way of handling them.

I always thought that if something bad happened in my life that there was a reason for it happening and that I could learn from it. Then there was a point in my life where that phrase that I would think of, didn't make sense anymore. For it only made half sense, I didn't know how I would be able to learn from it. Since I didn't cause that mistake in my life, for the cause was simply the mistake in my life.

Recently I was laying in my bed at the hospital that I knew too well that I could have called it home. The room I was in, too familiar that I could have owned it. The doctors who came and went, I knew them by name. The nurses no need to speak for they knew too well what I would want.

I laid there, weak and sore. My eyes were heavy but I couln't sleep. It was hard when one's bones would give them a sharp pain and then stopped when it wanted. It would come and go. I laid there trying not to move much, I hurt every time I would move my leg or my arm, lets face it my whole body. Breathing was one thing that didn't hurt me.

"How's my favorite patient in this entire hospital?" John asked as he entered my room, flowers in hand along with a little teddy bear.

"Entire hospital John?" My voice sounding weak as well, it was also scratchy.

"Yup, the whole damn thing. Your my favorite Ella." He said his voice cheerful and his smile wide and toothy. It didn't matter that he was in a hospital, that there was sick people around him. He was always cheerful. I admired that.

"I'm sore and in some pain, nothing new to report." I spoked and took a deep breath. I watched as he made his way towards my bed side and sat down on the chair.

"I know how you adore flowers and teddy bears. So I bought you them." He said while shaking the two items in his hands. He placed the flowers on the side table, the teddy bear at my side.

I smiled weakly to him. "Thank you John. I really love them. The flowers are beautiful." I said moving my head slowly so I could look at him better. "How's the guys?" I asked reffering to his band.

"Their doing just fine, they send their love and Kennedy is making you something special, I have no idea on what it is. I seriously don't Ella, he showed it to me and its just odd." He said and laughed slightly. "I almost forgot, I brought you something else."

"You just have to love that guy, give him some cedit for trying. And what did you bring? I hope its not something that makes music, like the last time. We couldn't shut the thing up." I said with a very weak laugh.

"I know but don't worry, it doesn't make music, but it is related to music. Are you ready for it Ella?" He asked and slowly stood up.

"More than I'll ever be John." I said and watching him curiously. The smiled that was on my face, didn't disappear.

"BAM!" He announced and pulled out a shirt, it was black and had a lot of different neon colors and in the brightest color read: THE MAINE. "You like it? It hasn't hit stores or anything Ella. Your the first to own one and to make it more cool and believable, we signed it. So when your out, you can show it off."

"I love it John, thank you again, this really does mean a lot to me, you don't even know." I said with the most honest tone I could give him.

"You're really welcome Ella. You know I wouldn't leave you empty handed. I always bring you something, am I right?"

"Yeah you are. I never said you didn't." I said before groaning from some of the pain in my legs and back. "Ow.." I said slightly breathless.

"Ella are you okay?" He asked and moved closer to me and put his hand lightly on my arm, as if he could break it.

"No, I'm getting the sharp pains again." I said looking up at him, his face looking more concerned then it was before.

"I'll get the nurse, okay, you just hang in there Ella." He said and walked out of the room. I looked up at the ceiling, wondering how could I be in this position, to where I had to take everything I had and make it more worth more just because my days were limited.

Moments later John and nurse Lidia entered the room, John went to his spot next to me, his hand on my hand, his thumb rubbing against my pale skin. Lidia went to my other side and lookd over me slowly, she sighed a little, I knew what she was thinking. It didn't have to be said.

She carefully moved my arm so my palm was facing up, she rubbed some cleaning alcohol on my skin where she was going to give me my shot, I didn't hurt as much as it use to, I was use to it, I had some dots where they would inject the medicine, leaving me bruises. Like the one I would get right now.

"It should kick in, in a while Ella. Okay? You just enjoy John's company for as long as your awake." Lidia told me with a smile and then went her way.

I looked over to John as he sat down and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, I really am." He said and looked down at his lap.

"John you listen to me please, you didn't cause this on me okay. Its just life doing its part. So can you please cheer up for me, I need to see that smile, I like seeing it." I said while wishing I wasn't weak, or I would have gotten his hand.

"I know, I'm sorry Ella. Just didn't think it would get to this point, you know." He said and looked up at me finally. "I mean it wasn't long ago where you were sitting up and doing almost everything." He reached over as if he knew I wanted his hand on my mine and held it.

"I know but this isn't the first time John, there's going to be times like this, there's going to be times worst than this, there will be times where I won't look like this, I would look some what better, but don't be fool by my appearance." I said truthfully, I stared straight into his eyes.

"I wish I knew you longer, I wish I could take you out and let you see what's out there and we could do stuff together, this is so hard." He whispered and rest his head on my bed.

"I know John, I wish the same too." I said and slowly closed my eyes, feeling the medicine take over my body, it would cause me to sleep. "John..." I whispered to him.


"Stay with me tonight.."

"As you wish.." He said I knew he was smiling.

That line alone, just made me happier, but I wasn't sure he meant it in the way I knew it. It was our little thing, even if was from two characters from a movie. The Princess Bride. John knew the line, but I wasn't sure if he knew what it meant.
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new story. i hope you enjoy this.
commets <3