As You Wish



Three days had passed since I found out I was going to the rebound. Rebound… a word that did a lot of damage to someone’s life. Three days, that was more than enough time to get an explanation from John or Kennedy. I got nothing from either guy. I stopped caring; they didn’t get my full attention.

Free day, finally getting one, we headed for the nearest beach, it was hot and we all just wanted to relax. There was a breeze that made the day better for us, so the heat was bearable. Laying my towel down next Dana’s, she was already laying down. I sat there next to her, staring at the water.

“We need to talk…” John’s voice was heard, a deep sigh escaping from my lips, my eyes looking up at him.

“You had three days, three days. You could have taken that time to talk to me, what were you doing? Studying your lines with Kennedy?”

“Ella, he was helping me, that’s how he knew the lines. He was trying to help me win you over, because that’s what I wanted. You weren’t the rebound…” he said and pulled me up to my feet.

I stared at him and let my hand lay in his for while before I quickly yanked it out of his hold. “Bull to the shit John. You waited three days to come up with those worthless lines?” I asked crossing my arms.

“Three days. I think he gets it now Ella. Drop that, but continue with the burning…” Dana said as she laid there, eyes closed, soaking in the sun.

“I’m serious Ella. I’m not lying to you. Why would I spend all my time with you and then use you? Its Kennedy, he likes you Ella.”

I stared at him and took in the salty air; I looked at the water before looking back at him. “Walk with here John.” I said gaining his arm into my hold.

“So are we going to talk?” He asked starting to walk with me.

“Yeah, yeah. We’re going to talk…” I stated my pacing picking up. I headed for the water and let the waves hit my ankles.

“What are we doing?” He asked standing next to me, I let go of his arm and crossed mine.

“John, you see that long ocean? It looks endless.” I said then pointing to the horizon.

Seeing John leaning forward slightly, I put my hand on his back and pushed him forward. Watching him land into the water with a wide smirk, a small laugh, I slowly backed up.

“What was that for!?!” He yelled once getting to his feet, he was wet, he looked mad, it made me happy. Childish, yes but I didn’t mind his reaction.

“I’m not stupid John. You expect me to forgive you in a short period of time, jump back onto my horse that I had fallen off of. You might have the charm to make another girl do that, but not me. I’m fighting against worst.” I told him and turned around.

Now screaming as I was getting yanked back and then going into a wave with John, his arms wrapped around my waist. The water cold, I shook from it. “J-John!” I yelled and elbow him in the stomach, him groaning and letting go quickly.

I got to my feet quickly, watching as John slowly was getting up, pushing him back down and a wave keeping him down, I took this chance to make a run for it. Getting to the spot with some trouble, I sat down next to Dana.

“Graceful, both of you just looking so graceful.” Dana said and smiled as she propped herself up on her elbow.

“Can it Dana, it wasn’t that graceful…” I said crossing my arms over my wet body.

“Whatever, I’m going take dip…” she said got to feet, throwing the shirt off her body and walking to the water. I sat there staring forward, soaking in the sun, it felt nice.

“Ello Ella…” Kennedy said, sitting down next to me.

“What do you want?? You came to be pushed into the water as well?” My eyes not leaving the view of the ocean.

Kennedy chuckled a little. “Um, no, I saw your little fit with John, the push and then take down, a little childish. I bet you feel so much better.”

“Yeah keep talking; just dig yourself a bigger hole…” I whispered and took a deep breath. Not once did I ever feel annoyed with him, but this moment was different.

“Ouch Ella. Let’s just clear the air. I know that you know, John knows, we all know, that you now know that I’ve like you since maybe the first time I ever saw you, I don’t know why. I just did, no words had to come out of your mouth, you just sitting there was fine…” Kennedy explained his feelings to me, his eyes were on me.

As he spoke, my eyes were on John. Watching as he dried his body off, looking sadder then pissed. Hearing Kennedy clearly, it was like he was speaking what I was feeling; the feelings not going to Kennedy but to John.

I saw myself just getting off my spot and walking over to John, pulling him into a tight hug. His arms wrapped around me. Everything just being fine again, everyone would get along. But then I saw the opposite, he would either push me away, or walk away.

“Ella did you her me?” Kennedy spoke after a while, putting his hand on my arm.

“Yeah…” I answered him with a shaky tone just as John made eye contact with me. I quickly looked over to Kennedy. “You just sitting there was fine… I heard it all…” I said getting to my feet.

Slowly starting to walk, I was stopped in my tracks by Kennedy, his hands on my shoulders, he turned me slowly. I sighed deeply and looked at him. “You won Kennedy, stop making it worst…” I whispered and crossed my arms.

“Ella, I know I missed up. I mean I’m jealous of John; it’s hard to admit that. I mean he was there for you, I don’t why I didn’t show up, words couldn’t tell. But I’ll be there for you, as your friend, because I can’t live up to the title of being your boyfriend. Plus I see something strong between you and him. I realized that I didn’t want to ruin it.” Kennedy said with a slightly smile at the end.

I stared at Kennedy and looked over his face slowly; I took a deep breath a small smile appearing among my lips. “Okay, but you can’t say you’ll be there and you’re not. I expect you to stick to your word.” I said and kept my arms cross.

“Deal…” Kennedy said as he put his hand out for mine.

Looking down at it, I smiled and put my hand in his and shook it before he pulled me into a hug. I laughed a little and wrapped my arms around him. Once everything was settled… with Kennedy that is, the day went by perfectly fine. No more bumping of heads.

Getting back to the hotel, I was first in the shower before Dana. Changing into some pajamas and sleep was all I wanted to do at this point. I had a clear mind for once in a long while. It felt relaxing.

A good night of sleep is what I got; I slept peacefully and felt wonderful. Once morning came along, I woke up, getting ready. Tonight another show, walking to the venue with Dana, it was quiet.

“Okay, I’m just going ask. Are you and Kennedy boyfriend and girlfriend now?” Dana asked as we stood near the buses. We didn’t have much work, so standing was the free time for us.

I laughed a little and shook my head. “No. We’re just friends, I’m serious.” I said reassuring her with a nod.

“Well at the beach yesterday showed more than you two just being friends.”

“We didn’t kiss; we were just having fun Dana. He said he’s going to be there for me and I believe him…”

“As a friend I’m hoping.”

“What are you the relationship police?” I looked at her and sighed deeply.

“No, I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Thanks Dana. But I’ll be fine. I’ll get the courage to speak to John one day and everything will go smoothly.”

“Guess what Ella? Today is your day; he’s storming over here….” Dana said backing up and walking the other way. Standing there confused, I looked over my shoulder, seeing John.

“Ella we need to talk right now!” John’s voice sort of yelled, his hand on my shoulder turning me.

“What?” I asked him, I got his hand off my shoulder.

“You and Kennedy being together! Are you serious Ella? I would have thought you would picked me. Why is Kennedy standing next to you? Why not me?” John’s voice lowered, it sort of cracked.

“I don’t know John, He just is… and I didn’t pick him. He just fell into place. But…”

“But nothing Ella…” John said cutting me off completely. “You’re going to say he’s not the one I want. Bull to the shit Ella. Hurts when you get your own words thrown at you. Doesn’t it?” John said, a little too coldly.

“If you only let me finish John, you just made yourself look like a damn asshole!” I said and shook my head, licking my lips, tears building up.

“Oh yeah, I’m the asshole here?”

“Yes, Kennedy isn’t my boyfriend! He’s my friend. Just a friend, he’s explained it to me yesterday at the beach. He was jealous of you. Because you got to be there for me, he didn’t know why he didn’t just see me. He couldn’t explain it. But he said he wants to be there, when I need him. He didn’t want to ruin what was going to become of us.” I said staring into his eyes. “I bet you feel like an idiot now.”

John’s expression changed too quickly for anyone to time it. He shook his head and held it for a moment. “Yes, I feel like both an asshole and an idiot. I didn’t know. I’m… I’m sorry Ella. I shouldn’t have just come up to like this. I was mad, jealous, just because I thought you picked him.”

“I couldn’t pick him John. I couldn’t even if I tried. The first time I laid eyes on you, my world had changed. You alone done that, I’m depending on you to make everything so much easier for me, and this happens, the lies came out, friends betraying each other. I just want it to be like the hospital, where you and I were just real…” I told him, a few tears slipped, wiping them quickly.

John looked at me quickly as I spoke, he didn’t move from spot for a while, before I knew it my hand was in his. “No more lies, I want you to depend on me as much as you can, I’ll be there for you as a friend or more. Let’s just go back to being us…” He whispered.

“You kept Veronica a secret from me. I’m not going to be kept a secret as well, when you meet new people, I don’t want to known as the merchandise, set up girl. And the last thing I want is people to think you have pity for me because I have cancer…” I said straight out, I got my hand free and walked away, wiping the tears.

“Ella, please… please don’t push me away not now…”

Picking up my pace, I entered the building quickly and made my way to Dana who knew too well not to question what happened. She held onto me and pulled me aside, where Kennedy made his way; making his promise more believable. There’s a reason for this happening, or I hope there was.
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tell me what you think please.
thanks for the comments xDD