As You Wish

I'm Willing...



The night couldn’t have gone better; it was close to being more than prefect. I was glad that she wasn’t complaining about how cold it got as the night went on, she only moved closer to me, wrapping the blanket around us more. There wasn’t anywhere else I would have wanted to be at that time, being next to her at the moment felt great.

Once we both decided it was time to head off home, it was late. I gathered everything and killed the small fire as she folded up the blankets. I threw our trash away before getting her hand into my own; I smiled slightly more as she gripped on.

We both got into the car; I put the heater on, since it was getting colder. She covered herself up with one of the blankets. Half way home, I had looked over to her, seeing that she fall asleep, her hand on her chest and over the locket. I smiled a little.

I parked and sat there for a moment, feeling the sleep over rule my body slowly. I sighed slightly before getting out of the car and going over to her side, I opened her door carefully before undoing her seatbelt and picking her up. When she was in my hold, she only cuddled closer and didn’t push away from me.

I got into the house with no problem even if I was holding her; I closed the door and locked it. Even if the house was dark, I still knew my way to the stairs without bumping into anything. I climbed them slowly, trying my best not to wake her up. I got to her room and then carefully put her on the bed. I took her shoes off and then covered her up with the blankets; I placed a kiss on her cheek.

“John…” She said in a tired tone, she turned her head and opened her eyes, her eyes slowly looking over my face as my eyes looked over her face.

“Yeah…” I whispered to her, my eyes stopped on hers.

“Can you stay here with me tonight?” She then asked me, she slowly reached behind her and pulled the blankets back.

I stood up straight and nodded to her, I had gone to my room to change. When I came back, she was facing the opposite way I had placed her. I walked over to her bed and climbed in, I got under the covers, immediately the warmth just made me more tired.

I got comfortable on my back, too tired to even try to get into another position. Ella had moved closer to me once I stopped moving, she lifted my arm up as she got closer, resting her head down on my chest, my arm wrapped around her slowly. A few moments later I fell asleep.

The night felt short, but I felt well rested. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes, I was still in the same spot and Ella of course was still in her spot only her arm was now draped over my waist.

“Are you up John?” She asked after some time of it being quiet.

“Sure am…” I answered her before slowly cocking my head to side a little, looking down at the top of her head.

I watched as she turned her body around, keeping her arm draped over my waist, she was now lying on her stomach. I was already smiling before she was even done getting comfortable.

“Morning…” she whispered as she propped herself up on her elbow, the smile growing among her lips.

“Good morning…” I whispered back to her, I keep the smile, trying to keep it the same size, fighting it from it growing more.

“Do you have anything planned today?”

“No, I don’t. I’m all yours. Sucks for you…”

“Sucks for me? You’re not that terrible to be around…”

“Not that terrible? How terrible am I?” I questioned her, I laughed slightly.

“Well you get really bossy when people aren’t hurrying up.”

“That was one time Ella. Besides you were asking too many questions, and I just wanted to go. I wanted to give you; your necklace… is that crime?”

“I asked like one or two John, and it’s not a crime; you just have to learn to chill…”

“I know how to chill. I’m chilling right now…” I said as I pointed to the bed and then myself, probably not making my point any better.

“Oh you got me John… bravo…” She said with sarcasm in her tone, she quickly got a smirk before sitting up on the bed. I remained lying down. I made a face at her before it got quiet between us. I slowly sat up on the bed and watched she crossed her legs, her eyes on me as well.

“We need to talk about something…” I said finally and then reached out for her hand and got a hold of it.

“I guess we do… so let’s talk about this something…” Ella said as her eyes roam down to our hands.

“You know how a couple…”

“Wait, we’re not even a couple John. And you’re already going into that ‘you know how crap…’” She cut me off quickly and ripped her hand out of my hold.

“If you let me finish crabby…” I said with a small laugh, I got her hand in mine again and held onto it. “Like I was saying, a couple usually goes out and dates, and then has a committed relationship; I say fuck it and just go straight to marriage…”

“Go straight into marriage with whom exactly?” She asked me her eyes narrowing slightly before returning to their normal size.

“You and me, we’ve pretty much done the relationship crap without even labeling it, we already at the ‘I love you’ shit…”

“John when you said to live my life up to the fullest, I don’t think it involved being married, and you just woke up, you’re still sleepy.”

“No I’m like serious, what’s more better than a committed marriage?”

“Maybe a committed relationship first…” She said as she got out of bed. She stood next to the bed and she rested her hands on her hips, staring at me.

I quickly got out of bed and stood next to her, her eyes quickly looking up at me. “But we’ve been through that pretty much and it’s pretty much out there that we’re not looking for anyone else…”

“John, are you even listening to what you’re saying? It sounds crazy…”

“Yes I’m listening and it doesn’t sound crazy, what’s so bad about this? We don’t even have to have a big, over the top wedding. It could be the two of us going to Vegas…”

Ella gasped and then socked me in my arm, which caused me to laugh. “I’m going to get married in Vegas! That’s a last resort…”

“So are you agreeing with me on this?” I asked her, slowly wrapping my arms around her.

“No, I’m not agreeing. I was just putting my word out that it’s not cool to be married in Las Vegas… well to me… I rather have a small, family, close friends wedding…” She stated as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

“So you are agreeing to a wedding…”

“Shut up, I’m not…” She whispered and then leaned her head against my chest, she sighed slightly. “As nice as it sounds, I just think it would be sort of ridiculous if we were to be married… John, you were just a guy who was going to visit me for a while in the hospital. Not the guy who was going to be someone who made a difference in my life…”

“Guess what Ella? I just happened to be both of those guys… and I’m just about to throw the single life away and ram into the marriage life with no complaints.”

“God, you’re so serious about this, aren’t you?”

“More than I would have ever thought.”

“Can you at least allow me to think about this?” She asked as she slowly looked up at me, there was a smile on her face.

“Yeah I guess it’s the least I could do for you…” I whispered before leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips.
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