As You Wish

The First Meeting



I sat there on my bed, the one that didn't seem to change, it always seemed to be the same. If I were to move a certain way it would make a small noise and if I were to move another way, nothing. I leaned back against my pillows and looked at the TV. That never had anything good. But I wasn't going to complain about it, I was glad to have it, it could be worst.

"Hey Ella, are you up for any visitors, because theres this band that wants to visit some of the patients here, and I was hoping I could send one your way." Dr. James said kindly.

"Not all Doctor, I'm for anything right now. There's nothing good on TV anyway." I said and smiled widely to him.

"Alright, I won't tell him anything, I'll let you do the talking, well thats if you want him to know Ella."

"Okay, just send him right on in." I took a deep breath and got more comfortable, I wait for this guy to come in, I started to bit my bottom lip being a little nervous for this visitor. Then there was a soft knock at the door. I slowly looked up connecting eyes with a tall guy, his hair brown, his eyes breathtaking.

"Hey I'm John O'Callaghan. You must be Ella." He said with a bright smile, he walked over to me and gently shook my hand.

"Yeah, I am Ella, take a seat." I said and pointed to the chair. He pulled the chair closer to my bed and sat down. He got comfortable before looking back up at me. "So I heard your in a band John." I said smiling a little.

"Yeah, I am, just getting started I guess you can say, we're slowly getting to where we want to be." John explained to me, his eyes not leaving my face.

"Thats pretty cool. Well I wish you the best of luck."

"Why thank you Ella. I hope I'm not being too out of line right now, But are you sick?" He asked, I noticed he was getting uncomfortbale, he was shifting in his seat.

"Oh no its fine really, I mean you are here to know about us. And to answer your question, I am sick."

"Stomach flu? Or something alone those lines?"

"Oh how I wish I had that, but no John. A little more out there than just the stomach flu. I have a certain type of cancer, a long the lines of Leukemia, something with my blood and bones and the cells." I said and swallowed hard at what I just told him. I haven't really learn to deal with it, I wasn't really believing it.

"Oh.. wow.... thats scary.." John said and looked away from my eyes and looked down at his lap.

"Yeah I know, But I'm hanging on the best I could. Its not really bad right now."

"I'm sorry Ella." He said sadly, he looked up at me and bit his bottom lip.

"Its okay John, don't worry about it. Its somethig that doesn't need to dwelled over. I rather not talk about it."

"We don't have it, we can talk about something else." He said and smiled to me and got comfortable again.

I looked over his face slowly, I knew he had questions, I just feel in my weak bones that he did. So I got comfortable as well and went straight to the punch and started to talk about my cancer the more I talked, the more he looked more sad or so what interested. After explaining what I needed to, he looked more peaceful and less restless.

"Better now?" I asked and laughed a little, pushing my hair to my back and slowly sinking down, to get more comfortable.

"Yeah, its sad to hear but I do feel less confused. But enough about that." John said and slowly moved closer to my bed, he rest his elbow on the bed letting his head rest his against his hand. "I have some questions for you Ella."

"Asking away." I said getting ready for anything he was going to throw my way. I was feeling a little tired.

"Who are your two favorite bands? Your favorite color? Your favorite place to be? Favorite book and movie?" He asked and smiled a little.

"Hmm, band numer one will have to be, The Pink Spiders and for the second band is Motion City Soundtrack. My favorite color is Orange, my favorite book, I cant really say, I read some good ones. And movie, I would say, The Princess Bride or Mrs. Doubtfire." I answered the best I could.

"I'm hurt to know that you didn't pick my band. And the rest of the stuff I'm fine with. I'm here in town for a long while, maybe we could have a movie day." John said and smiled a little more than what he was.

"John I don't know your band, I'm sorry but I haven't heard of it you guys. But if you could give me CD or something I would be more than glad to give you guys a shot. And a movie day sounds more than great to me."

"Tomorrow I'll bring you a CD with a few of our tracks and let you listen to us. And you tell me what you think."

"I sure will." I said a little out of breath, I felt more tired than before. "John, If you don't mind, I'm going to cut this meeting short, I'm tired and out of breath, I'm sorry."

"No, no, I understand Ella, you get your rest. I'll promise you that I'll be here tomrorow with the CD and a little suprise." John said kindly. "It was really nice meeting you Ella."

"Same here John. Bye." I said was I watched him smile more and give me a big wave and left my room. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. It hit me rather quickly. My little nap had turned into a long nap. I had slept until the next day. To me that was a little weird, for I haven't done that in a long time.

Once I was up, I slowly got up to use the restroom, it took me while but surely I had gotten to my feet. I was feeling weak and still a little run down. Once I got to the restroom, I closed the door and looked into the mirror.

I looked pale than I was before. It was comparing myself to Casper. But not that white. The thinness along my jawline was abnormal to look at. It was the same with my arms, they looked too boney to be actaully healthy. But who I was trying to impress anyway. No one. I washed up and headed back to my comfortable and warm bed. I covered up and stared out the window, my mind wandering when it would be out there.

"Knock, knock." I heard his voice fill the room, I slowly looked over to the door way seeing John and long with a few other guys. "Mind if we join you, I just want to introduce you to the band, but the sad part is your stuck with me."

I laughed a litte to his sense of humor. "Come on in." I said and smiled to them, I waved them over. Slowly they stood around the room. Quiet and feeling awkward.

"Ella, that's Garrett, Pat, Kennedy and Jared" John said pointing to each of the guys.

"Its nice to meet to you guys." I said with a smile. I was feeling a little awkward.

"Its really nice to meet you too Ella." Kennedy said as he made his way towards my bed side. He reached for my hand gently shook it before placing a CD on my bed. "You should listening to us, I want to know what you think of us."

I smiled a litte to him and got the CD, I was handed a CD player and I started to listening, they were not bad, I wouldn't mind listening to them. After they let me keep the CD. I thanked them. They all went their ways expect for Kennedy who was still lingering.

John soon got him out of the room with a little trouble, I really couldn't help but to laugh it was a little funny. "Ella ready for your surprise?" John asked kindly as he headed for the door.

"Yes I am." I said and smiled. I couldn't stop. john pulled into a TV that was on a stand with a DVD player on it. He got a bag and pulled out a DVD without letting me see, I sighed at that. He put it on and then sat down on the chair near my bed. After watching the previews, the main menu popped up, showing that it was. The Princess Bride.

"Oh yay! This is my favorite movie!" I said happily and got more comfortable in my bed. "John, this is really nice of you, no on has ever do this for me, I'm really surpised."

John looked over to me and smiled wider. "I'm glad to be the first." He said and then pushed play.

I was more than glad that I met John. It was really nice guy. There was this smile among my lips that didn't to go away. It was the same for John, he was still smiling. Reason for knowing was because, I would look over to from time to time. I hoping that things were changing for the better.
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should this get the boot?
let me know pwease.