As You Wish

On Three


Dana kept to her word about taking me to the doctors, I never felt so sick and nervous in my whole life, to find that out I’m either going to get better or I’m just getting worst. No, I didn’t speak to John about it, I don’t think I could handle seeing him all freaked out. So for the last few days I’ve been avoiding him. But luckily he didn’t really seem to notice.

There was always something to do since we were still planning the wedding, so it wouldn’t look so shocking to John that I wasn’t there next to him in the morning. To him I was out doing something for the wedding, but really I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office.

I was sorting of hoping this visit would be more like a step in and then right out thing, but in my case I knew it was probably going to be much more than that. I felt like I was making a mistake from just going here but I really wanted to know where my cancer was leading to.

Of course Dana didn’t leave my side for one second, I was thankful that she was there. Once my name was calling I couldn’t really move, I was trying but no such luck, Dana grabbed my arm and yanked me up leading me inside the office.

I got questioned right away, but from what I got was nothing useful. I was then pushed out to get blood drawn out of me for tests in order to find where my cancer was leading to. Waiting was intended for this, not a few hours more like a few days.

So that had taken up my whole morning, I stared down at my right arm where they took the blood out; a cotton ball was taped down on my skin.

“So you’re going to keep this a secret from John?” Dana asked as we sat in my living room, obviously John wasn’t there.

“Sadly yes, you weren’t there the last time he freaked out, I didn’t enjoy it one bit.” I explained and slowly looked up at her.

“Ella, he’s going to freak out even more once you tell him you went to the doctors without him knowing. Remember the last time you went to the hospital and you didn’t tell him, he totally flipped.”

“Yes only if I have bad news to share, but if it’s good I’m sure he’ll have the heart to let it go.”

“But I think he would have wanted to be there when you were getting blood taken out.”

“Dana its blood, it’s not his baby.”

“No it’s his soon to be wife who he should be standing there next to her while she’s going through this stage.”

“I’ve been handling it with only myself, I can go to a few doctor’s appointment without him there.” I said and shrugged slightly. Dana looked at me and shook her head slightly, the topic wasn’t brought up for the rest of the time we were alone at the house.

“Ouch… Don’t yank it…” I complaint as Dana was making an attempt to get the tape off my arm.

“What’s up with these doctors with this tape? I. Hate. This. Tape.” Dana said as she slowly started to pull off the tape.

“Stop, I’ll get it off.” I said and yanked my arm out of Dana’s hold.

“Yank it off, one the count of 3.”

“One…” I started and looked down at the tape.

“Two…” Dana continued.

“Three!” I yelled and then screamed as I tired to pull off the tape but stopped quickly.

“Just pull it off!!” Dana yelled at me.

“NO! It hurts!”

Dana and I started to fight over this tape; I didn’t know how long we were fighting but probably looked stupid from someone else’s point of view.

“What are you two fighting about?” I heard John ask; I quickly looked over to him and then looked back at Dana.

“Its girl stuff, nothing that you need to worry about…” Dana said and smiled a little.

“Ella, what’s on your arm?” John asked as he made his way towards.

“Nothing…” I said and crossed my arms, covering up my arm with my hand.

“I’ll talk to you two tomorrow or in the near future.” Dana said as she rushed out the front door.

John watched Dana leave before he returned his stare back to me. “What’s going on?” He asked.

“Crap…” I started before I slowly sat down on the couch and showed him the tape that held down the cotton ball. I looked over his face as he got tense; he stared at it with hateful eyes before he made eye contact with me, waiting for me to explain. “Its blood not your baby…” I said and sighed deeply.

“Blood, did they take blood out of you or something?” He asked looking mad but not sounding it.

“Or something…” I stated with a slight nodded.

“Son of a bitch Ella, are you ever going to tell me when you visit the doctor?”

“Yes, but I have a good reason this time. I didn’t want you to get freaked out like you did in Vegas.”

“Regardless, it doesn’t matter how little the problem might be, I’m going to get freaked out and you not telling me is going to get me more freaked out. So is it worst now?” He asked as his face softens.

“I just don’t like to see you freaked out John. And I don’t know if it’s worst, I haven’t been feeling worst but then again it could be fooling me…” I said and then slowly looked down at the tape on my arm.

“When will you find out?”

“In a few days—“

“You were going to wait a few days to tell me? A lot can happen in just a few days Ella! I can’t believe you weren’t going to tell me.” John cut me off quickly, his voice in a panic.

“I know its bad but if it was good I was going to tell you and if it was bad I still was going to tell you, either way I was going to tell you…”

“That’s not the point, in general you didn’t tell me.”

“I can go to a few little doctors’ appointment without you John, nothing big happened and for the big ones… of course you’ll be there. I know this time I shouldn’t have kept it a secret but I didn’t think it was a big deal…” I said and slowly looked up at him.

“But I want to be there for you the whole time even for the little ones.” John said calmer, he slowly sat down next to me.

“You don’t have to be there…” I had started before it all ended in a loud scream. I looked down at my arm that no longer had the tape before I looked back at John, who shook it off his hand.

“I’m going no matter what… big, small… whatever it is, I’m going…” He said watched as the tape landed on the couch next to him.

“Mother Fu—that hurt!” I yelled and looked down at my arm; I then looked at John, who had a smirk on his lips.

“At least it’s off now right?”

“But that hurt!”

“I’m sorry…” He said softly before he moved closer to me and cupped my cheeks, he kissed my lips repeatedly, which made me melt where I was sitting.

After I recovered I guess everything was fine between, he was slightly touchy if I brought up the doctors, but I guess that was normal, his little fit didn’t last too long.
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sucky part, i'm not feeling to well but at least i tried!
so i thank you for reading and giving this part a chance.
tell me what you think and stuff.
p l e a s e ? !