As You Wish

The Day Before


Waiting a few days of course felt like waiting a million years, maybe I was being a little dramatic about it, but it sure did feel like it. I wasn’t the only one acting like that John was too, a little more impatient that I was.

“Aren’t they suppose to call like today?!” John said sounding uneasy as he started pacing in front of the bed as I sat there at the edge of it.

“They’ll call soon John, or even tomorrow. The tests can take more than just a few days.” I told him trying my best to reassure him.

“That’s not good! The longer they wait it just means that there’s something really wrong.”

“You need to calm down right now. I’m serious, you’re going to start to make me panic. And if it was bad they would have called right away…”

John was still rambling on, making no sense. I few times I tried calling him but he had his hand up for me not to interrupt him. I sighed deeply and sat there trying to listen to the nonsense that was flying out his mouth.

I grabbed my pillow and hit him on the head. “Shut up! Dude, I got nothing from what you just said. You need to calm down right now and stop being so negative!” I yelled and sort of demanded.

“Did you just call me dude? You’ve been hanging out with Kennedy way too long…” He started before I hit him again in the face.

“Stop it, don’t change the subject. Listen to me John, stop being negative, look on the bright side of this and trust me when I say that they would have called if it was something bad!” I said with a huff towards the end still holding onto my pillow tightly.

John stared at me for while before making any movement, he grabbed the pillow out of my hold and smacked me with it on my side causing me to stumbling over my own feet. I glanced at him and heard the phone ring I watched John rushed over it; I threw another pillow at his head causing his head to hit the wall.

“Oh shit! John, I’m so sorry!” I said rushing over to him, I tried my hardest not to laugh, it was funny from my point of view.

“I was going for the flawless look for our wedding! Now I’m going to have a bump babe.” He whined and covered his forehead up.

“Say you got during sex…” I suggested and laughed slightly.

“Oh yeah good idea… I got this bump during sex; yeah I won’t be the laughing stock at our wedding. People will be offering me a helmet, and then I’ll…” John continued his rant as I got the phone; I tuned him out as I answered the phone.

I walked into the hallway letting John talk to himself, the conversation between the doctor and I wasn’t that long as I expected it to be. The doctor didn’t stall about giving me the information that I wanted to hear, so the rush of the information made me dead silence. I hung up the phone and then looked up at John who was now standing in front of me.

“I knew it, I knew it, and I knew it. Why can’t this cancer ever give you a fucking break?” John had started really quickly and grabbed my hand; I let him ramble on as my eyes looked at the red spot on this forehead. His rambling went on for a while longer.

“Are you done yet?” I asked him softly, I looked into his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Yes…” He said and took a deep breath; he kept a hold of my hand.

“Are you sure? Because I don’t want to be in midsentence and you cut in…”

“Yeah, I’m done.”

“Well I don’t know how I’m going to tell you this… but they said…”

“No, don’t tell me their going to put you back in the hospital…”

“JOHN!” I yelled and put my hands on his shoulder, he stopped quickly. “There are no more hospitals, nothing. They said that my cancer isn’t really taking affect anymore, like it stop or something.” I stated and dropped my hands from his shoulders slowly.

I watched John’s expression change from be being scared to extremely happy, I was brought into a tight hug; I laughed a little and wrapped my arms around John’s waist.

After the good news everything seemed to just go smoothly for the both us. John’s forehead was red for a while and luckily faded and there was no bruise.

A few more weeks had passed and now it was the day before our wedding, I couldn’t believe it at all. Time had really flown by before my eyes; I wasn’t expecting it to come this quickly. Of course I was nervous. But this was a different kind of nervous, far off from what I’m use to feeling.

I was recently sitting on the couch of Dana’s apartment since I was kicked out of the house by Kennedy and the other guys. I wasn’t about to ask them. I guess Dana knew of this and had things set. So my night was planned out, movies, junk and of course some drinking. But I passed on that.

“I can’t believe you are getting married to a guy who’s in a band… and he’s hot…” Dana had slurred sort of drunk, I had been watching her amused.

“Are you going to stop drinking?” I asked her softly and smirked slightly.

“Why? I’m drinking for the both of us here since you won’t drink with me…” She said and opened up another beer.

“You better not get a hang over… Its going to suck for you tomorrow…”

“Oh… that would totally suck…” She said slowly and put her beer down.

I laughed slightly and pulled the blanket that was resting on my lap closer to my chest; I looked over to the TV seeing the credits move up the screen.

“Are you nervous for tomorrow?”Dana then asked me.

“More than you’ll know… I’m just scare that I’ll trip as I walk down the idle. That would be a very memorable moment.” I said as I pictured it in my head.

Dana then started to laugh and didn’t look like she was going to stop; I stared at her with a half smile and waited for her to stop.

“Sorry, I… I… just p-pictured that…” She blurred out and continued to laugh.

“Glad that I entertain you with my fears….” I said with a small smirk.

“No… no… I’m sorry. It just kept repeating in my head… you would be laughing if you saw it…”

I shook my head and laughed a little. As the night continued I was more nervous about the next day, I was scared of the little things, afraid that I’ll repeat the lines wrong, nervous that my cancer can take another sharp turn and ruin that day. But I couldn’t let that bright me down, but the over all feeling that was ruling my body was excitement.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you for the comments! really makes me happy to see that you guys are liking this story!
and thank you for reading this chapter!
and to answer one of your questions the wedding would be taking place in the next chapter.
so thanks again!
c o m m e n t s ? ?