As You Wish

Bells Are Ringing


Apparently my night had gone a little smoother after Dana stopped drinking; she had talked me out of my nerves and everything. Finally we called it a night and I was sent to her guest bedroom, the sleep was restless as the nerves yet again took over my body. Luckily the wedding was different from others; some were in the morning as others were in the noon as for ours was taking place at sun set.

Since our wedding was taking place at sun set, this gave me time to actually sleep in a little, but then I was woken up around noon to get ready, I took my shower feeling more nervous about this yet I was excited.

Once I got out of the shower I changed into some shorts and a shirt, I let Dana start to work on my hair I was told this would take forever. My hair was now a little longer, so I had curls that form at the tips and my hair was pulled back as my bangs were pushed to the side, so I guess it was still formal looking.

She continued with my make up which was soft colors, once I looked in the mirror it was far off from what I thought I would look like. Dana then worried about herself, the next moment we were driving towards the place where the wedding would be held at.

We met up with the bridesmaids, who were the band’s girlfriends, of course I had got sort of close to them as we all hung out and planned for the wedding. We headed for the room to continue to get ready.

I stared at my wedding dress that hung on the hanger that was on the door; I covered my mouth up and closed my eyes tightly as my eyes began to water. I sighed deeply and then opened my eyes; I quickly and carefully wiped my eyes before I could ruin my make up.

As the time was getting closer I was put into my dress, Dana started to lace up the back of my dress, the corset fitting with my body. One of the girls helped me into my high heels just as another put on the locket that John had gotten me.

It was like time was speeding up, now it was only a few hours until the wedding. Dana and I had shared a little crying time, and then I got my make up fixed up.

“Where is she?! Where is that bride?!” I heard Kennedy call out; I walked out of the restroom and slowly walked over to him with a wide smile. “Holy shit…” He said sounding shocked.

“Do I look bad?” I asked him softly and looked down at my dress and then back at him.

“Fuck no, you look… look. I don’t know I can’t even explain it Ella.” He said smiling widely, he walked over to me and brought me into a tight hug.

“Thank you Kennedy…” I whispered I felt my eyes water again which made me laugh slightly.

“He’s going to be speechless… I’m so glad things worked out for you two.” He whispered in my ear before he placed a soft kiss on my cheek. “I have to get back to John, he’s stressing and shit.” He laughed a little and then kissed my forehead. “You’re gorgeous Ella.” He said before walking out of the room.

I blushed at his comment before I looked at myself in the full length mirror, I couldn’t believe that today was finally here, that I was getting married to someone who cares a lot for me. My breathing began to become shaky.

Before I could even think straight I was being walked out of the room, I had my veil on, that just hung down, my shoulders being covered by it. I held onto my bouquet nervously, my palms were sweating.

The wedding was being held indoors. Where it was going to be held, the placed look like a ball room, there was a classic look to and there were also windows that were from the floor to the ceiling, which would bring the light of the sun setting, there were also lights that brought more of the effect. The colors were white, gold and just soft colors.

The room was filled with family members, friends it wasn’t huge but of course there was enough to get me nervous to where I just might freeze in my spot. The music had started where the bridesmaid and the groomsmen would enter, luckily Dana didn’t enter yet.

“Dana I’m so nervous, I feel so sick…” I whispered to her and bit my bottom lip hard.

“Ella you better not throw up. You’ll be fine; once you see John everything will be okay. I promise you that.” Dana reassured me and gave me a tight hug. “Hang there Ella.” She said before it was her turn to enter the room.

Once the music had changed, I swallowed hard and tried to get a grip onto my nerves. Once I took one stepped into the room, all heads turned to me, I never really liked to be in the center of attention and this wasn’t really helping me.

As I made my way down the path, my eyes finally met John’s and Dana was right my nerves were gone, so my eyes remained on him, I never seen him all dressed up and of course he looked totally handsome and cute. His reaction at my approach was quite amusing, his eyes didn’t leave my face, he moved in his spot as he smiled more widely.

Once I got to him, I looked at him from head to toe my smile just grew more as my eyes met his. “Wow, you look super hot and really nice looking…” I told him in a whisper, his laugh made me feel calmer.

“No, you look way more breath taking, you got me speechless from the moment you walked in and still I can’t find the words…” He whispered back and placed a kissed on my cheek softly.

I smiled more and felt my cheeks go into a burn. We both turned forward, with my free I slowly reached over and held onto John’s hand tightly, he returned the grip as his thumb went over the back of my hand slowly.

The lines that need to get repeated I didn’t stumble over any to me it was shocking. I couldn’t help but to laugh a little when John had mixed up a line or two, he stuck out his tongue a little and then smiled. Once we were at the ‘I Dos’ I felt no longer nervous just a lot happier.

Once the ‘I Dos’ were said, John had wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him, where his lips had met mine, I smiled widely against his lips and kissed him softly and slowly as my arms went around his neck.

We parted shortly and then he grabbed my hand as we both left the room that was being filled with cheers and shouting. The feeling was great; I looked up at John once we were outside he was already staring back at me with a toothy smile.

“We’re married!” John yelled at me with excitement in his tone, I laughed at him. He brought me into another tight hug. I hugged him back, my smile wasn’t going anywhere, it stayed wide.

“I know I was there!” I said and looked up at him and kissed his chin softly before I kissed his lips. “We’re married and we’re… wow we’re married!” I said and looked over his face.

“Feels… different…” He answered slowly before he let his lips linger over mine; I smiled to him before moving the rest of the way and kissed him softly.

Later as the night continued, everything was great. I couldn’t find myself to be sad for moment; I was more than just happy. John and I had made our rounds to the tables, thanking those who came to our wedding. Usually when someone was talking to me, my eyes didn’t focus on them, more like John. I guess I really was living for him.

I honestly didn’t want to be away from John’s side, but I was sort of forced by Dana, she wanted time with me before I could leave.

“You’re so lucky to find a guy like him…” she said with tears running down her cheeks, she also sounded slightly drunk.

“Dana you’ll find a guy and then it’ll be you’re turn to get married…” I told her honestly and brought her into a hug as she did the same.

A few more words were exchanged and it sort of made me laugh, since she was sounding ridiculous on some of the things she was talking about. Finally it was time for the groom and bride to dance their first dance together.

John got my hand as we headed for the dance floor, he wrapped his other arm my waist as my free hand rest on his shoulder, and I didn’t know that he knew how to dance, he wasn’t bad. He would look at me like we were meeting for the first time.

“Ella I love you…” He said softy before he let go of my hand and placed both of his hands on my waist.

I looked up at him and smiled more, placing my hand on the side of his neck. “I love you too babe.” I told him softly and give him a quick kiss.

We were soon joined by other couples, I stayed close to him. I rest my head against his chest and smiled, I always felt calmer when he was close to me, and I guess he might have noticed this since his arms were wrapped around my waist more tightly.

I really didn’t want this night to end, everything was in fact perfected, everything went the way I thought it would, but I knew John would always find a way to make me feel the same way as I felt today.
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Finally it comes to this chapter, i tired to make it more worth the wild, but i dont think this chapter was great, but i really did enjoy writing it. And i hope you also enjoyed and thanks for reading it!
sooo comments on this?? pleasseee and thank you!