As You Wish

He's Not Disappearing Anytime Soon


The following morning I was in a peaceful sleep, I wasn’t plan on waking up anytime soon due to the way I was feeling, I was beyond tired and my legs hurt from the dancing and the walking. That day was in fact the best day of my life. It didn’t feel like it happened it felt more like it was a dream and to top it off nothing awful happened.

My arm mindlessly moved along the side of me trying to find the body that’s supposed to be next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the empty spot next to me, I heard movement from the hallway and then it was quiet for a while; I looked over to the window that showed that it was before noon before nine, maybe five in the morning.

The footsteps echo the hall as they climbed higher and higher up the stairs; I looked at the door waiting for him to appear. His black figure moved along the room, bumping into the dresser and the bed. He stopped once he hit the bed and sighed out of relief when I showed I wasn’t awake.

His back was now turned digging through a suitcase not too far from the bed, I quietly stood up on the bed and walked to the edge before leaping onto his back, causing him to scream loudly and maybe just a little dramatically as we both landed on the floor.

I sat on his back and looked down at him as he turned to look up at me. “What are you doing? Why are you up this early? Explain.” I said and ran my hand through his hair.

“I thought you were asleep! Holy shit Ella.” He laughed and then turned quickly sending me off his back and laying on the floor my legs on his stomach. “I’m packing getting everything ready for our honeymoon…”

I sat up quickly and looked down at him as he laid there; I stood up and crossed my arms. “At 5 or something in the morning, we’re not leaving until noon babe!” I said and then sat on the bed. “I’m tired, my legs hurt, I want to sleep.” I slowly laid back and covered my face up.

“I figured if we get there early we could enjoy it more and relax more, have more to do.” He said and laughed a little.

“God you’re such a girl at times…” I mumbled and kept my face covered. The next moment my arms were pinned to the bed as he laid on me, staring at me in the eyes.

“Tell me I’m beautiful…” He said and cocked his head to the side, smiling like a mad man.

“You’re so weird… such a tall guy, whole lot of weird…”

“That’s no way to talk to your husband.” He stated in a pouty voice.

“I’m sorry.” I said and kissed him softly before I tried to get him off me. It took me a while before I moved up in the bed and got under the covers and was going back to bed.

I was then picked up and thrown over his shoulder as he grabbed a sweater and my shoes. I held onto his belt and started to yank at it. “Put me down now John! I want to sleep!” I said and smacked his butt at one point.

“Oh please not now we have a plane to catch and if we do THAT we won’t make it…” he said as he processed out of the room and the house, walking into the morning air that was cold. I sighed deeply and then was put down. I stared up at him. “You can sleep in the plane and I’ll let you sleep when we get there…” he made his promise.

I didn’t in fact sleep in the plane only because I was getting more excited. John wasn’t holding back his excitement either. Once we landed in Hawaii, I felt relaxed and I was indeed ready for some sleep. I helped John with our suitcases and we headed for the hotel.

Once I entered the room, I couldn’t help but to head for the bed, I threw myself on it.

[Next day]

For once I just wanted to sleep in, just sleep my morning away and the afternoon is where I would start my day with the guy I care so much about. It wasn’t the waves that were crashing into the sand nor was it the breeze that had filled the room from the double doors that lead out to the beach.

I realized the beauty and the peaceful feeling that the room brought was just relaxing and stress free. My eyes were glued on the setting that my eyes laid upon, the beach in the early morning, not a soul out there, just the sound of waves, the wind, a few birds and the singing. Yes the singing, not by radio or anything but by the wonderful guy was taking a shower.

That’s how I was wakening, he obviously wasn’t singing badly because if he were I wouldn’t be feeling so calm and relaxed. I closed my eyes finally and had fallen into a deep sleep. The next time I woke up, I felt energized and when I looked at the clock it was around noon. But the only thing that was wrong was that John wasn’t next to me which I allowed the deep sigh escape from my lips.

I pushed the blankets off my body and looked at the doubled doors which were still opened; I slowly got up and walked out of the room, caring less about what I looked like. I saw him standing there; his arms crossed his hair blowing slightly in the wind. It just sent a smile to my face that didn’t want to leave.

I slowly made my way towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against the back of him, I closed my eyes slowly feeling his hands come over my own and intertwined our fingers. It felt prefect, right, great and basically every other word that could describe the feeling.

“You really can sleep; I didn’t think you were going to wake up…” John said with a small laugh, the one that started the butterflies in my stomach.

“I was tired, normally I wouldn’t sleep this much but we had our wedding which totally almost killed my feet and myself and then you wake me up at the butt crack of dawn and I couldn’t sleep on the plane and then the bed was just that comfortable…” I stated and slowly opened my eyes.

“Just sounds like a bunch of crap just to make me the bad guy babe. I don’t mind that you’re sleeping, I know you get tired and I know you need your rest.”

“Right now I feel really good, I don’t feel tired, I feel like I could do anything.” I told as I slowly let go of him and raised my arms to the sky while I spun around him and looked up at him smiling.

John looked down at me with a this smile that just made me feel weak, he didn’t look at me like I was crazy for thinking that, more like he knew I was able to. His eyes didn’t leave mine as he also threw his arms in the air. “You can do anything and I’ll be there to witness it.” He said wrapped his arms around my waist.

I kept my arms high in the air before they wrapped around John’s neck. “No one else has it in them to be there like you will.”

“Because they don’t see what I see…” he whispered and rest his forehead against mine, I smiled at him and kept him close, afraid to let him go, afraid that he was just a dream.

The longer the moment lasted as we just stood there in each other’s hold, it felt more real. But once his arms vanished my eyes that were once closed had snapped opened, his hands found their way to my neck where his lips were moving against my own. No, he hasn’t disappeared; I don’t think he ever will.

Later that night, John didn’t have anything planned, he didn’t really want to plan something on the first day and I was fine with that, I didn’t mind lying in bed with him, letting the world zoom right on past us. I kind of expected it to be like this.

I found myself in the same spot I woke up in, only this time he was here with me. The doors were closed only allowing some moonlight in, but I wished they were opened so I could feel the breeze and hear the waves more clearly. As if he knew what I wanted at the moment he quickly climbed out of the bed and opened the doors and returned back to me.

His arms were wrapped around my bare waist; his bare chest was pressed against my back only to be closer. His head was resting against my own as the both of us looked out those doors that just seemed to make everything ever so peaceful.
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finally an update, sorry i was being on the lazy side. but at least its posted now! so youre welcome. ha ha. ehh.
so thanks for reading hoped you enjoyed it!