As You Wish

Don't Rain On Their Parade


We were leaving the peaceful paradise since our time here was up, I didn’t want to leave this place and it didn’t look like John wanted to leave either, but we had our life to get back to, we had to see what we have been missing. But I doubt that anything huge has changed, it’s not like the world was waiting for us to return and continue to live.

We knew we were back to the reality world because we were moving from my place to the amazing apartment that was going to become our place. We got help from Kennedy and Dana of course. It didn’t take that long for us to be finally settled in, maybe a week.

A month had flew by before my eyes and everyday was just as good as the day before but the only negative was the fact that every morning was a puking marathon, yup the cancer sure didn’t wait to attack my weak body, this sent John to go worried and as of now we were in the hospital.

I sat in a room that looked too familiar in the gown that just happened to fit my body perfectly, maybe because it was my wardrobe for a few months in the past. I laid there holding my stomach afraid that my guts will be exiting my body again, it was pure hell.

They took more than enough tests but it was to be on the safe side, I looked over my bandages that covered the stupid shot holes before looking up and meeting the eyes of John, he was sitting next to the bed on the chair and also looked beyond tired. I patted a spot next to my bed for him, but he only got half way before his upper body collapsed on it and he was out.

A small laugh escaped from me, I ran my hand through his messy hair repeatedly. I looked over to the door that doctor just entered with a smile. No it was real, from what I could tell he was grateful for the results. I didn’t wake John up for this; it was good news so I would tell him once he woke up.

The news that was received had done two things to me, one: made me happy and excited, two: also nervous, scared. My cancer had taken a step closer to being untreatable that was the bad part. The tears had made their appearance quickly just as my hands went to my face.

A few days later John seemed to be depress about the news and of course I was there to reassure him that I’ll still be alive and grow old with him. It helped for a while, but he quickly returned to his quite and head hung low state.

The following day is where he had perk up a little more I was more than thankful for that, I couldn’t handle seeing him like that. I spent my day at his side that seemed to bring back his cheerful mood that I was dying to see.

Now that brings us to this point of time where we’re both laying in bed, his head near mine as my arms were around him, holding him close as my lips kissed his forehead softly, he had fallen asleep a while ago as for me I couldn’t fall asleep. I was in my thoughts just wasting my sleeping time before they were interrupted by my cell phone going off causing John to flinch slightly.

I carefully pulled myself away from his sleeping form and got my phone that was on the side table, I looked at the mysterious caller only to see that it was Dana. “Hello?” I answered in a rather dull tone.

“Where are you? I need you to come here with me please. I really need a friend right now…” She said sounding either excited or hyper.
“I’m at home and sure, sure. I’ll be there…” I said and slowly looked over to John who was now awake and staring at me, causing me to jump.

“Good, I’ll see you in a few.” She said happily.

I hung my phone and stared at John who was showing off his sleepy face, bed hair style. I laughed a little and slowly got out of bed and grabbed some socks to put on my cold feet and then a sweater and yanked it on my body.

“Where are you going?” John whined and reached his hand out for me.

“I’m going to hang out with Dana; she seems to need me right now. So I’m going to go with her…” I said and put on my shoes before looking at his reached out hand and grabbed it.

“Ella, you’re my wife not hers, you’re suppose to spend your every waking and sleeping moment with me.” He protested and slowly sat up.

“I know that, but I want to go with Dana, I hung out with you for a while, I haven’t left your side for I don’t know a month or something, so it’s only fair to allow me to go.” I said and leaned in and kissed his lips.

“You’re right babe, I’m just being needy.” He admitted to me causing me laughed a little.

“I’m telling you John, you’re such a girl at times.”

John crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head in disagreement. “You could just go now Ella, I’m pretty mad at you at the moment.” He stated his eyes not leaving mine.

“Oh is that right? Well you just be mad at me, you go on and have you’re little fit and just cry you’re little eyes out.” I teased a smirk forming on my lips.

“Fine I will!”

“Okay good!”

“I will!”

“Do it!”

I stared at John trying my hardest to remain ‘mad’ and not laugh. I could tell that John was doing the exact same before he started to laugh. I got onto the bed and crawled over to him and just hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me and continued to laugh.

“We’re so weird…” He said and rested his head on top of mine.

“Correction there, you’re weird.” I said looked up at him, his smile not leaving his face.

“It’s better than being normal.”
“I happen to agree with you.” I said and smiled. I didn’t think I was going to escape from him, I just didn’t want to. I was quite fine with being where I was. But finally he let me go; I got off the bed and kissed him once more before heading off to Dana’s apartment.

Once I got to the apartment I was sort of wishing I could be back with John in the warm bed, asleep next to him. I didn’t know why Dana needed me at this time in the night; she sounded excited and didn’t sound like she really, really needed me. But then again I’ll never know with her.

I tiredly climbed the stairs to get to her apartment; I sighed deeply and knocked a few times. I waited a few moments before I screamed and quickly covered my eyes, I was pretty sure I could be blind.

“Oh come on Ella, I’m not that bad looking!” Kennedy said and laughed a little.

“Kennedy you’re in a towel that’s going to drop at any given moment.” I said and slowly peeked through my fingers. “And what are you doing here?”

“We’ll explain once you get inside…” Kennedy said as he pulled me inside the apartment and closed the door behind me. I saw Dana sitting on her couch with this smile that was wide and scary. I made my way towards her and sat down. Kennedy went off to the hallway.

“Oh my god Ella, I have some really great news to tell you!” She said practically bouncing off the couch.

“I have something to tell you too! It’s huge and it doesn’t involve cancer…” I said as she grabbed onto my hand and held it tightly.

“That’s good to hear!” She stated while getting all giggly and covering her mouth with her free hand. “I would let you go first but I have to tell you, I can’t hold it in me. Well as you can’t really tell since you looked shocked when you saw Kennedy here, we’re now together!” She said once she removed her hand.

“Oh wow!” I said shocked, I didn’t think they would even get together. “Wow, that’s just wow…” I said and laughed a little at my lost of words.

“That’s not the only shocking part.” Dana said now giggling more than she was just a moment ago.

“It’s not?”

“No, it’s not! Okay…” She started and tried to control her giggling. “Well since you two had be gone and being with each other, I couldn’t tell you. I’m just about 3 weeks pregnant!” She said smiling widely and turning red over her confession.

I stared at her and my mouth being open from the news. “You’re…” I started then looked over to Kennedy who had clothes on. “Oh my god!” I said and got up and hugged Kennedy before going to Dana and carefully hugging her.

The news was shocking totally; I didn’t see that coming at all. I looked between my two best friends and watched as Dana got all teary eyed, Kennedy comforting her. They did look pretty adorable together.

“I’m so happy for you two!” I said and hugged them once more before sitting down in my spot again looking over the couple.

“Thank you!” Dana said now a little calmer. “I’m sorry, okay so what was your awesome news?” She asked sniffing a little.

“My what??” I asked being off guard with her question, I looked confused.

“You said you had something really good to tell us so spill!”

I looked between the two faces that seemed to bright up with happiness and excitement, I couldn’t just spill my news on them on this day, and I didn’t want to rain on their parade. I put my hand over my stomach and laughed slightly. “Well my news is… that my cancer is slowly stopping.” I said trying my best to come up with a good lie.

“Ella that’s good news, I’m happy for you.” Kennedy said holding onto Dana.

“Yeah, good news…” I said and looked down at my lap before looking back at the happy couple.

It should have gone: “I’m 1 month pregnant and I figured I tell you guys before sharing the news with my husband.”
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ohhh now i know this was good one, i just know it. so tell me what you're thinking and stuff... its freakin' wanted!!